
Monday, 14 October 2013

On lazy Mondays and treading water

I'm embarrassed to admit that I still feel like I've been run over by a truck, even after having hardly left bed yesterday. Note to self, no more drinking. At least no more heavy drinking. Weekends are too short.

Then again, getting to have a slow and lazy breakfast while watching the first episode in the latest season of The Walking Dead feels good, especially since it was a good Glenn-centered episode. What's in that Korean water that makes them all so dreamy? I'd totally live through a zombie apocalypse with Steven Yeun.

*clears throat* Where were we?

Days like these, I kinda wish I could get a cold or develop a fever or something so I could stay home from work and just be lazy. Most of the time Mondays aren't that bad, and I know it won't be too bad when I'm actually there, but it's like with anything that isn't specifically your choice - before you do it, you always feel like you don't want to, but when you're actually doing it or after you're done, it wasn't all that bad after all.

I wish I could get my phone situation under control. Hemingway gave me a Blackberry to use from his office, but I miss my poor Samsung. I'm looking into buying a new one, but the seller I've been in contact with seems to be a lazy fuck and never checks his email. Hey, dude, I'm trying to give you money, so do me a favour and don't be a dick, okay? The worst part about it is not having any music. I'm so used to having my headphones on wherever I go, and just having to listen to people on the subway and on the bus is so tedious. I have to listen to vapid conversations every day at work, why do I have to listen to it on my way to and from work too?

Most of all I miss listening to Sakanaction, I think. I'll get specific k-pop song obsessions that I'll listen to over and over for hours, but in my 'doing everything'-mix (that started out as my running mix) probably every other song is a Sakanaction song, and they're just so awesomely mellow. I've listened to Sakanaction probably every single day since T introduced me to them like a year and a half ago. I need my dose.

Mafune's going to Japan sometime this week to visit her family for two weeks. That, on top of talking to T yesterday, just fills me with such wanderlust, you know? But I'm trying to channel it into work and saving up money. Whenever I feel despondent, I'll just go work some more on a TEFL assignment. They're going really well, although the process is slow, but just doing something to get it handed in isn't my thing. If I'm going to try to work as a teacher, I need to be the kind of teacher that gives a shit. I want my lessons to be fun and rewarding, and as such I need for all the information to properly stick in my head. It's hard work, but it needs to be done, and it'll all be worth it in the end.

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