
Tuesday 29 October 2013

On allies, men with unrealistic expectations and falling asleep

Waking up exhausted after finally falling asleep is marginally better than not being able to sleep. I still felt completely drained, my headache was back, and saying that I felt ready to go to work is just simply not true as I felt more like someone ran me over with a truck. It was OK though. Mondays are typically easier to deal with than other days.

About a million times better than Friday felt at least.

"Don't leave me to fend for myself, Sri Lankan sushi man!"
I did find out that the Thai girl Shan's been training to make sushi is going to be taking over in the evenings, with Shan going home around 8 pm instead of closing time. While I feel that this is probably a welcome break for him, I feel a little abandoned. He's like the mentor character of a video game, the father figure for the protagonist who, for some reason or other, can't be with their real dad. If I'm Peter Parker, he's uncle Ben. I selfishly want him around because he's nice to me and tells me every day what a good job I'm doing and how smart I am. I can't even go into work on my off days to pick something up or say hi without him asking if I'm hungry, and even if I say I have plans to meet a friend or whatever, stuffs a takeaway sushi into my hands without me ever having to pay for it. And it's funny, because it's not even like he's not going to work with me any more - he's going to work a few hours less a day, that's all. I felt pretty ridiculous for secretly getting a little bit upset about it. I want my allies around me.

The Seventh Day Adventist Korean I keep in touch with in hopes of learning a bit of Korean keeps pestering me to find him a girlfriend. Well, I say girlfriend, but what he wants is a subservient wife who'll give him babies and seven different dishes for breakfast every morning. He seems like a nice enough guy, but the whole being part of a fundamentalist Christian sect that believes that men are superior to women and that evolution never happened kinda makes me think that I'd never ever put any friend of mine up for that. My friends aren't housewives from the 50s. I wouldn't really recommend anyone who wants to find a girl who 'likes to cook and isn't headstrong'. That's kinda not the hallmark of a modern man. The whole thing's a little awkward. I just wish he'd shut up about it and forget his dream blonde girl with low self-esteem and a crippling need to give up being the driver in her own life.

Stop being a sexist creep.
I ended up falling asleep mid-conversation with T today, which was both a little awkward and kinda nice. Not being able to sleep and then drifting off while thinking about fun things yet to come was a pretty pleasant way to go. It feels pretty weird to for once be able to afford fun stuff without worrying about starvation. Being an adult seems pretty neat, all things considered.

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