
Saturday, 19 October 2013

On food dreams and nice people

"Just give me the Kirin beer and no-one gets hurt."
Some people are just legitimately scary. There's a man who comes in to work like once every two weeks, and I'm not one to scare easily, but he terrifies me. He looks like an evil Sean Connery. He's rude, cold and gives the impression of being completely ruthless. Normally I react to rudeness by getting annoyed, but with this man, I just want to hide. It's like my subconscious is telling me that he keeps a torture dungeon in his basement, and not the fun kind. Anywho, he comes in, orders his special sushi and then wants a Kirin beer in a specific glass, with a specific amount of foam, and he wants it fast. I don't think I've ever seen him smile. Then he only drinks half the beer before leaving. What's a little bit extra foam if you're not going to drink the damn beer, creepy man? Why do you keep coming back if we apparently always do everything wrong? Shan doesn't care much for him either. "He's a psycho. Everyone on the waitstaff hates his guts."

I bought some cheap cheese to make myself somewhat affordable grilled cheese sandwiches today (I say somewhat, because by some cruel trick of the gods, cheese is never really affordable), only to find that cheap cheese doesn't melt, and that's scary. Now I have this package of cheese sitting in my fridge that can't be used for its intended purpose. What now? I guess I should be happy that nothing greater is my concern of the day, but, well... I want proper grilled cheese sandwiches. I feel cheated.

Days when you're too busy working to eat kinda suck, but then again, they turn into days you can eat sushi in bed in your pajamas, and if that's not amazing then I don't know what is. Funny how this turned into such a food-related post. I'd bet I'm either ovulating or my period's coming soon. Food never looks this good otherwise.

Sometimes at work, groups of friends come in and eat, having a really nice time. I always feel a little jealous, although not in that angry way, but in the shy way, like I'd want nothing rather than to join their little group because they seem like such nice people and they look like they're having so much fun. I can joke some with them while taking their order or bringing them their bill, but generally I only get snippets of their time and conversations. They're like floating islands, when I'm the little boat that floats around, sometimes a little bit connected yet never a part of it. It's sad in a way, but at the same time it's nice to know that the world is filled with so many good groups of friends, and so many people that seem like the kind of people you'd want to kick back with after a long day or call when things get rough. 

A lot of people working in service will tell you that people suck. All you need to do is read Not Always Right for five minutes or so to see it, but to me, this job is giving me hope that not all people suck. A good number of them are rather pleasant.

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