
Tuesday 28 January 2014

On unpredictable situations and predictable me

I think I might really like teaching. Not gonna lie, that may be because I'm rather partial to the student, but I don't think that's the only reason. I spent Sunday afternoon at a small café with Moonlight, going through a chapter in his Swedish coursework, and I genuinely found it really fun. Maybe that's because Moonlight is highly intelligent, and not just adorable. That's always a good thing. Anyways, even if I was teaching Swedish, I was teaching Swedish in English and enjoying myself while doing so, and I see that as a good sign for the future. It's almost like you can see the cogs turn in a person's head, and then suddenly everything just falls into place with just some gentle prodding on your part. It feels pretty damn glorious. If I could, I'd love to do one-on-one study sessions when I'm working in Japan too as it's so much easier to tailor things to the person's needs. Also, it's just... I don't know, nice. It's a way of hanging out that I really approve of.

I feel tremendously terrible for having missed that Sakanaction released not only one, but two new songs while I was wallowing in self-pity these past six weeks. What kind of a fan am I? Their song Eureka has turned out to be my love of the year so far, could well be my new theme song. It's like hearing spring, which is nice when you're in a snowy landscape with biting winds. The short clips from Tokyo portray it beautifully, and I feel really nostalgic watching it. I kinda can't stop. Listening to it fills me with that good old wanderlust again. Watching the video closes the distance between the city and my heart. I live recklessly, recklessly.

I revere Sakanaction in very much the same way as I'm totally hooked on Haruki Murakami (as you guys know I am from my barely concealed fangirl-esque hysteria the other day). They have the same kind of sad, dreamy quality about them, like they're from the same creative realm. In my world, they belong together. For me to be perfectly at ease, I'll typically want both things at the same time. I love sad, beautiful things. They have a depth that is hard to mimic.

I'd kinda love to have the opportunity to have dinner someplace with both Haruki Murakami and Ichiro Yamaguchi (although possibly not at the same time) because I find them to be such amazing creators, but if I were by some fluke able to meet with either of them, let alone both, I'd freak out and probably spend most of my time staring at the table silently trying desperately to figure out something to say so as not to sound like an idiot. Sad but true. The thought is kinda mind-boggling though. I've never met anyone I really admired like that. In my head, they're too perfect a being to even really exist in the same dimension as all other lowly mortals. I guess the fact that they're lowly like everyone else might be what makes them so amazing. Maybe the most extraordinary things are the ordinary ones.

I showed Sand Sakanaction and she laughed, saying that she wasn't surprised in the least about my fangirling of Ichiro Yamaguchi, since "he's totally your type, being an Asian man with the glasses and the edgy look". Yeah, I'm pretty predictable, but what does that matter when people can be so appealing?

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