
Thursday 30 January 2014

On 300 ass-hats and competition in general

The site I'm applying for jobs in Japan emails me to tell me how many people to date have applied for the same jobs I have, which makes me anxious beyond belief. "To date, 308 resume(s) have been submitted through the network for this position." Fuck you site, I didn't need to know that I was competing with 300 people. Especially when I have neither teaching experience nor an all that compelling resume. Shit. I can hope that 300 people are total ass-hats, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to apply for a whole lotta jobs before something pops up.

That all sounds a whole lot more dramatic than I find it. I'm not particularly sad or worried, I just know that there's some perseverance needed. I knew that from the start. I'll just keep chugging along, sending in resumes and eventually things will fall into place. Now that I think about it, I'm a little surprised that I'm not feeling detejected or anything. Maybe I'm just learning to be patient, I don't know.

For some unexpected reason, there seems to be more people applying to work in Saitama than in Tokyo. I thought it would be the other way around, assuming people want to live in the big city, but I guess they were thinking the same as I was - nice area, cheaper rents and an hour commute if you want to go to Tokyo for the day. Oh well.

It's interesting to me how easy I'm taking to this job hunt. I don't know if it's because it's through a site, which makes it super convenient, or if it's because I've written three different varieties of my cover letter so that I can just pick whichever suits the job I'm applying for at that very moment, but in the space of 24 hours I've already applied for six jobs, with two more on the 'meh, I'll see what I'll do about this one' list. Not that I think that that will be enough or anything, but it's a start, and it's a far more productive start than I had anticipated. Then again, I guess you could say that it's taken me a while to even get this far, so maybe it's not so much that I'm being productive as just that I'm doing what I should have done ages ago. In any case, I'm doing it now, and I'm not going to beat myself up about it. It just feels good to be on some sort of right track.

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