
Wednesday 8 January 2014

On day dreams and future worries

My ex-boyfriend's grandmother just sent a friend request on facebook. I haven't seen this person in at least four years, not have I spoken to her grandson in about the same time. I'm just left wondering what the fucking point is. I mean, it's not like I knew her all that well even then, so I don't really understand why she'd want to keep in touch. She was a sweet old lady, but are people really so desperate for a large amount of facebook friends that they'd choose to get back in touch with someone so removed from their family as I am? I just don't get it at all.
I had this ambitious plan that I should go out running again today before work, but since it was cold as absolute fuck and raining, I opted for being lazy. "Maybe when I get back...", although I knew very well that I'd be way too tired for that. On top of all of that, I'm kinda developing a cold and losing my voice, as I always seem to do when I have a lot to do at work, and I have a slight headache going on all day. Whine whine whine. I do like running though, and I should probably make a bit more of an effort to do things I like when things in general are tiring. Ah well. Only another eight days of work in total (and only four more this week) until my long overdue time off. It's up there on the Day Dream-scale with classics such as 'How will I furnish my apartment in Japan?' and 'The day I get a dog named Assar'.

...and we become best friends! Because look at that widdle face and widdle tiny legs with all that fluff and the ridiculously stumpy tail and bla bla bla *rambles*
Is it a sign that I'm now inevitably turning old and decrepid when I'm nearing 25 and everything kinda hurts? Like how my back and shoulders are just one big collection of muscle cramps and unhappiness. There's also emotional pain in the growth of my hair - it's reached that awkward in-between stage where it's sortof a mullet, which pains me to no end. On the plus side it's long enough to arrange into the world's smallest ponytails, which leaves me looking infinitely more feminine. It's a welcome change, but I still can't wait until it's long enough to be arranged into an actual hairstyle that feels less half-assed.

Because look at that! Hair long enough to double as Shrek ears.
Speaking of pains: sometimes when Swedish people come into the restaurant with Japanese friends or lovers, I get really sad. I'm not entirely sure why. It's probably because I feel stuck where I am and like I haven't progressed enough in terms of going to Japan. I kinda thought I'd be there already by now. Then again, I'm working my way there - little by little, every day it's getting a little bit closer. I try to snap out of feeling like the loneliest person on the planet after meeting happy interracial couples, and instead get back to day dreaming mode, today in particular 'Day off during rainy season, going to a park to sit under a roof somewhere and read while smelling all those scents that come with rain'. I also got back in touch with Norimaki-san, and we're planning to meet soon to hang out and have fun, and I was really touched with how enthusiastic she seemed. I want to leave Stockholm, but until then I'm going to make the very best of it. Day dreaming will carry me through the rough patches, and before I know it, I'll be exactly where I want to be.

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