
Friday 17 January 2014

On adorable friends being adorable

I was talking to anime boy Yohei as he was having some sashimi before going home and I had a few minutes to spare. He was asking me about how old I was turning, when suddenly he got up to get something. "Wait, okay? Just wait. Don't move! I'll be back in a second," he said before scurrying down the hall towards the mens' locker room. A little taken aback and curious I waited, until he returned moments later carrying this bag.

And what's in the bag?

A freaking bottle of sparkling wine. With a bowtie.
"Drink it on your birthday!" he said, beaming. All I could think in that moment was if he's this sweet to a coworkers friend he spends all of five minutes per day on average talking to, he must be an absolutely fabulous boyfriend. I was swept away anyways, totally not expecting anything even remotely present-like (and feeling a little guilty because I didn't get him anything for his thirtieth birthday in November). I stammered out my thanks (much like I stammer a little every time I talk to him) with a happy-awkward laugh and walked around with a dopey grin for most of the evening. Work becomes so much more bearable when you're in a good mood.

He told me he might miss my party on Saturday, giving the explanation: "My girlfriend's working, and she would be pissed if I went on my own," leading me to really wonder what kind of girl she is if the thought of him going to a female coworker/friend's birthday party without her makes her insecure. I can be totally insecure too, but if I were at that point where I was living with my boyfriend, I wouldn't be worried about a birthday party. Really. And I wouldn't be worried with someone who's such a genuinely nice person as anime boy Yohei is. "But if she ends early I'll call you!" he exclaimed in his usual excited anime way. I'm not going to lie - I find him adorable. Not the kind of I-want-to-steal-him-away-adorable though, mind you. I'm happy with what I've got and not really interested in anime boy Yohei in any way that isn't just being friends. I was just really happy that he went out of his way to show that he too enjoys our 5-minutes-a-day friendship. Some people just make your day that much brighter.

All in all my day was really good. Pony, G and I had a nice lunch at an Indian restaurant, I got to spend the hour before work hanging out at a café with a good book and a huge coffee, and I got tipped pretty well as well. I'm going to go ahead and take this as a sign that the next week will be awesome.

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