
Tuesday 21 January 2014

On lazy days and pleasant wooziness

My body's still not really accepting the fact that today is a day off. That sinking feeling when you look at the clock and think "Shit, I need to go soon" doesn't go away even if you in fact don't need to go. I need these few days off. It's probably the best birthday present I could've given myself. I'm unbelievably sick of working at the restaurant. After this is done, I'm never taking another service job. Ever.

All I need now is a fluffy cat.
I wonder sometimes about how I'll do as a teacher, due my distinctive lack of wanting to have anything to do with most people. It's social, just like waitressing, but I like to think that the power structure is reversed which makes it different. I'll be the one in charge, giving directions to others rather than the other way around. I'll also be using my brain, and brain exercise is crucial to not feel horribly bored. Putting me in a situation where I have some amount of influence and a chance to tell people how to do things will probably just make me cross into Bond villain territory. I can live with that.

Today was a day that was so perfect in how slow it was that it made me question why I even have a job in the first place. Well, technically not, seeing as it was filled with things that cost money (even if not a lot of money). I slept until 11, blissfully unwoken by the past few days' work-related nightmares, and then had breakfast while watching Twin Peaks and eating tuna sandwiches and the last of my carrot cake cupcakes that I baked for my party. I should not have eaten as many cupcakes as I have this weekend. Then again, seeing as even my mom commented on how thin she thinks I'm getting, a weekend of indulging on caramel brownies (nicknamed by my friends as 'clownies') and cupcakes can't be doing all that much harm. I spent the rest of the afternoon with Moonlight, going to see The Wolf on Wall Street (which is actually quite tragic, and the fact that it's pitched as a comedy when you're sitting there laughing at a guy so deep in his drug addiction that he can't even walk properly makes it even more tragic, but hey, good acting!) and then drinking beer and eating fries at some bar after a walk, talking about the Korean writing system and general education.

I don't know if it's that I've been working too much, but two beers made me a little bit woozy. Not noticably for other people, but for myself. Maybe it was just the general relaxed air. It didn't matter anyways. Wooziness isn't always a bad thing.

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