
Wednesday 8 January 2014

On migraines, sleeplessness and high school reunions

It's past 3 a.m., and instead of the rest I wanted, I got a migraine instead. I've battled off most of the pain with painkillers, but I'm still stiff as absolute fuck and probably won't be getting much sleep for a few more hours. So much for trying to rest up before tomorrow. You know how when you know you're tired really, but there's not a chance in hell that you're going to fall asleep even if you try, just because your body decided it was going to go ahead and be a dick? Well, that's me right now. Good going brain, get a migraine because of lack of sleep, causing me to not be able to sleep. Way to solve the problem. Work tomorrow is going to suck.

Anywho, I ran into someone I used to know from high school at work. Well, know is probably too strong a word. We were in the same class for a year and didn't really talk much - he did music and I did art and we weren't part of the same cliques. He didn't recognize me, but wondering about it was driving me crazy so I had to ask as he was paying if it really was him, and it was. Everything after that was a bit awkward since he was leaving with his friend, but to my surprise he added me on facebook and wrote a really long message about the stuff he remembered about me, and how he used to think that me and my friends were really cool. "All three of you left our class though... only the nerds were left behind." I don't know how much of it is true, and quite frankly I feel a little bit odd to be remembered as being cool in high school as I remember being viewed by most people as a total weirdo, but whatever. It's nice that he appreciated my gesture of not just ignoring the hell out of him, and it's cool to keep in touch with people equally interested in Japanese culture as I am. Actually, it's nice to keep in touch with people who weren't absolute dickheads to me in high school.

Ugh, not being able to sleep is making me crazy hungry. If someone could drop by right about now with some food and some massage I'm sure I'd be able to drop off fast enough. My body is absolute bullshit right now. Can't wait until next Friday.

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