
Wednesday 1 January 2014

On New Years nostalgia

New Years posts are all the rage, as far as I've seen. It's that time of year when you're supposed to look back at the year that was, right? Revel in how much has happened since the last one of these evenings came around, when you made plans and promises and dreamt of great things that most likely didn't turn out the way you'd planned them to. Maybe for the better, maybe for worse, but things don't go according to plans in this universe. Last year I vowed that I would be in Japan at this time. Obviously, I'm still in the same room I was sitting in when I started this blog, further along on the path but still nowhere near where I dreamed I would be at this point.

It's both sad and not sad at the same time. This year has been a serious rollercoaster ride, from the most stressful time in my life while finishing my thesis project, to the exhaustion and apathy that followed, to the summer when I started feeling better, and then to the emotional craziness that was trying to get my emotional life together and figuring out what I was doing with Hemingway when so much other things felt like they were crashing around me. I've had it pretty rough this year, but I've accomplished a lot. I feel like I've been sowing, and 2014 will be the time to eventually reap. A lot of things about this year were fun though - my trips to Greece and Berlin, finishing school, k-pop parties with Pony and T coming to visit - and they'll stay with me in my heart. I met a lot of people that became important to me. Even if it was hard, 2013 was still pretty good. I think I grew a little.

Blogging for this past year has been a lot of fun for me, and it's especially interesting to see which posts are most read. Generally it seems like the stuff you silent readers are interesting in hearing about involves androgyny, emotional freakouts, k-pop, and my emotional bonding with inanimate objects. Granted, I think most of my posts involve at least some of those things on an almost daily basis. I just write about what's in my head at the moment, and then kinda take things from there. It's restful for me, and hopefully entertaining for you.I guess all I want to say, along with wishing you silent readers a kick-ass 2014, is thank you for taking the time to read these incoherent ramblings to no-one in particular. They'll continue on into next year for sure, and I hope you guys will continue to tag along with me like you have in the past.

Happy New Year, peeps. I'll see you on the other side.

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