
Monday 30 December 2013

On normally nice people being the worst kinds of bitches

I can be a bit of a bitchy person. Sometimes I get angry about stuff that's not really worth getting upset about. I guess it's normal; after all, everyone has flaws. My temper isn't the worst in my family by far, but it can still flare up. Not so much in a confrontational way, but far more often in a passive aggressive kind of setting. Sometimes it's completely righteous though, and not just empty bitchery. The anger I felt towards Mafune tonight was totally in the 'righteous fury' category.

Generally, Mafune's a really sweet person. I really like her, and she's great to work with. I was genuinely happy when she helped me out in taking the two shifts I wouldn't be able to take when T was here. She said she couldn't work Sunday, so I said I'd cover for her on Sunday. Not a problem. Then, apparently she could do Sunday, and on the schedule we were set to do Sunday together. A bit annoying, but sure. Suddenly, she pulls out of Sunday, saying that they don't need two people since it's generally calm, and I'm left with Sunday by myself. Less okay. When Sunday rolled around, Mafune came to the restaurant in the afternoon with some guy, and then proceeded to drink beer and eat sashimi with him all evening while I ran around working a busy shift by myself. Totally not fucking cool.

Who does that, really? Along with the whole sticking me with all those other long and shitty shifts this week, by myself. I was shocked, to say the least, and I felt rather betrayed by it. I wouldn't have minded her going on a date if she hadn't come to do it right in my face, flaunting her time off while I run like a headless chicken with hungry angry people around me. The bloom is totally off the rose regarding work at this point. I'm so sick of it I can't even begin to describe it with words. Obviously I'm not sick of the money that comes with it, but I need for this to be over relatively soon, and for something more interesting to take its place. I'm looking at you, Japan. Come help me out of my boredom.

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