
Sunday 29 December 2013

On work crankiness and heavenly food

All I can really say about this week is: get ready for the cranky updates about how much I have to work. I feel like I got totally cheated this week, and that's not exactly something that puts me in a happy place, mentally.

Seriously, they're sticking me on four consecutive 11 hour shift days. Technically New Years Eve will probably mean that we're open until about four or five in the afternoon, but Sunday, Monday and Wednesday are all guaranteed 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. days, and I think it's seriously unfair. First of all, I don't even get why I have to work a Sunday - it just kinda happened when Mafune asked if I could fill in for her, before later stating that she in fact could work, and then potentially dropping out all together because we probably don't need two people working, since the work load isn't all that much. Solution? I get to stand there for eleven hours on a day I'm supposed to have off, smiling at people and hating life. I really don't see how this is fair in the slightest. Pair that with the fact that I'm working both New Years eve and New Years day, and you have yourself a rather pissed and unhappy blog writer.

What did make everything a million or so times better was the fact that we spent the afternoon making really tasty Korean food and napping on the couch while watching Project Runway with Pony and our new acquiantance, Moonlight. I can think of worse ways to spend a day off, a whole lot of them actually. I mean, bibimbap, kimchijeon and kimchi jjigae, all in one - Korean food heaven.

...along with a real live Korean to prepare it for us
Seriously, I could eat kimchijeon all day every day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That stuff is like crack from a frying pan. In comparison, tomorrow is looking especially bleak. Ah well. It can't be helped, so I guess I'll just have to try to make the best out of this rather shitty situation. At least it's bringing in cash, which means that I'll possibly even be able to take some time off around my birthday to just chill. I had a week away from work with T, and while that that was so much fun, it wasn't really all that restful, and I'd be stoked to have a week to myself to go into hiding and not talk to anyone. It sounds pretty magical.

1 comment:

  1. I Feel for you working on New Years, but Happy New Year anyway, keep up the blog!
