
Monday 2 December 2013

On therapy and computer issues

Friday could possibly have been the best night out in... I don't know, ever I guess? Pony and I had so much fun, both sporting a hangover yesterday to prove it. Seriously, I was dizzy, light sensitive and exhausted, and yet really happy. I guess it's really true how when you do good things, life rewards you with some sweet deals, like new friends and having VIXX on your brain all day.

I think some people would find it weird to hear me go around singing "I need therapy, lalalalala therapy", but hell, at least it's catchy.

I do feel confused about a lot of things though. I don't really know what I'm doing with my life right now. I'm floating without direction. Japan's been my goal for years, but why, really? Yeah, I know the language, and I'm dying to get out of Sweden, but right now I just feel stumped. Why am I not looking for an internship or something instead? I'd be making more money and working less shitty times with less shitty customers. I do want to work as an architect in the future, and while I felt too low to do it before, I feel like I would have the power to do it now. Or rather, I don't know. I could do most things, and it's all these limitless possibilities that are driving me off the edge I think. Maybe I do need therapy, lalalalala therapy. Maybe it's just about commiting to one thing, but I don't know anymore. I'm not changing my plans, silent readers. All I'm doing is trying to communicate that this shit is hard.

Speaking of hard, trying to transfer my stuff from the poor broken-down Konrad to my new computer Akito is proving to be a fucking nightmare. I got tired of trying to fix it over the network and instead borrowed an external hard drive from G to get my shit sorted. Still, it's taking forever and Windows 8 isn't exactly cooperating like it should. I just guess it'll feel way easier once it's all taken care of. I mean, I can only live so long without my pictures and k-pop.

...not to mention my pictures relating to k-pop. I need those to live.
 I've really grown tired of working every single weeknight. Don't get me wrong, I love having weekends off, but I'm so sick of not having that much time to hang out with my friends. With only two days a week, they fill up pretty quickly and there isn't so much general hangout time. I miss my friends. I want to be able to go out and do stuff during the week as well. I'm going to try to maybe see if I can work a weekend a month for some more days off during the week. I'm going to start by trying to score Thursday off this week by asking the other girls really really nicely. I like working evenings, but there are just so many things I'd rather do at this point than smile at people and take orders. It might be just my general restlessness right now, but I just want something to change. I want something new in my life.

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