
Monday 9 December 2013

On Christmas woes and knitting nirvana

Christmas presents are hard. The whole consumer hysterics is pretty tiring, and I for one have way too much stuff. I try to get rid of stuff and keep my possessions to a minimum (except for books, because books are the best thing on the planet), so I don't want to give people a bunch of shit they don't need. Thus, gift-giving seasons are hard. I want to give practical things without being boring, things that people won't go "Heyyy... thanks." and then hide away at the back of some cupboard and never speak of again.

Last year I made chili-pear marmelade, but I'm not entirely sure that went over too well. The year before that was the year of kiwi jam and fudge. The food thing seems to be a bit of a hit or miss concept, and I'm not entirely sure I've been consistently hitting the 'hit' marks. I've been thinking if I should knit stuff, but Christmas is only a little more than two weeks away (which is a fucking terrifying thought) and I'm not sure I'd make it on time. With T coming soon as well, I'm getting really nervous about stuff. I'm sure everything will be fine, but it's like my life the past week has been in the eye of the storm. Things have calmed down and felt good, but now life will probably start speeding up and spinning crazily again. Maybe things will calm down after Christmas. Maybe I'll know what to do with my life at that point. That'd be a nice change.

Speaking of which, when the fuck did it become this late in December? Who OK:ed this? I sure as hell didn't. Why does time keep slipping through my fingers? Every day seems to take forever, yet the days rush past and suddenly I'm standing there wondering what happened and where everything went. It's a pretty crappy feeling. I guess I should try to start handling it someway, but right now I feel like all I can do at this point is tread water and try to keep my head above the surface. It's harder than it looks.

I've been feeling really crafty lately, which I think is my brain's way of trying to numb out things having been hysterical. I made the kitchen spotless on Friday, surprising everyone, and spent a pretty long time last night baking my (maybe not so) world famous chocolate chip cookies, and all I can think of right now is that I really feel like knitting. The say knitting gives the same kind of relaxation that yoga does. It's too bad that the yarn store isn't open on Sundays, or I'd be there right now squeezing fluff and trying to determine what colours I would use for knitting someone some mittens or something. Fall and winter are knitting times, what can I say. It's time to get lost in fluffy knit nirvana.

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