
Wednesday 19 November 2014

On parental love and new work allies

Is my phone trying to tell me that it thinks I should stop being a loser, cleaning my aquarium, and go out and play instead?

I had a pretty long Skype talk with mom yesterday, during which time she bought a plane ticket for me to come home. First she was whiny about me not doing it myself, but like I'd been saying since forever, I a) can't buy things online with my Japanese card, b) haven't figured out how to transfer money from my Japanese account to my Swedish one, and c) don't have massive quantities of money lying around and was beginning to consider not even going, but when I casually mentioned that: "well, the alternative is that I just stay here", she caved faster than I've ever seen her cave before. I guess maybe that was mean of me, but it's true after all. It's even worth hearing her go: "Well, you thought you'd be able to make lots of money off of this, so I guess you're waking up now". It's totally untrue - I knew I wouldn't be swimming in cash in any way and that's not why I came, but fuck, I don't want to argue with the woman who just enabled me to fly across the Asian continent at the swipe of a credit card. Love is a strange thing.

I went out with the Puppy-lookalike for drinks tonight, and found out that he was a pretty chill dude. Once again I found myself being the person with more experience and know-how about the place we were in, so that made it feel a bit like the puppy as well. "You seem like someone whose good side I want to stay on," he said. "You seem to know all the gossip that flies around here." And I don't know, maybe that's true. To me, office politics is one of those things you need to know to be able to get anywhere. I might not be as well informed as I want to be right now, but I'm definitely investing for the future, should I stay at Gaba.

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