
Saturday 29 November 2014

On confusing boys and beautiful furniture

Furniture stores in Japan are something special, especially the more expensive ones. I love going in there to just look around, checking out all that minimalistic elegance. Touching the furniture in a japanese furniture store is like sex. It just feels that good. The good stuff is grotesquely expensive though. I found some nice desk lamps, all costing about the same as a month of my rent. Geez, why can't I have worse taste?

I find the shop staff extremely cute too. The staff bow whenever they exit the show room to go to the back, no matter if people are watching or not. Every time I enter a stupidly expensive store, people don't give me the stinkeye the way they would back in Stockholm - they'll politely and quietly go 'Irrashaimase' and smile like they mean it, even though it is very unlikely that I'll be able to afford anything from there. I like that. I'm going to miss that politeness when I go back to Sweden for Christmas.

Yesterday I met Potato again for a second date. I haven't really told you guys about the first one, seeing as I had a really nice time and was afraid it wouldn't happen again, so I didn't want to get into detail. Sufficed to say, that first date was amazing, and Potato is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. I kinda tend to forget that in between seeing him, because when I saw him yesterday, I was floored and instantly deathly nervous when I saw him. 'Shit, he is this perfect-looking. It wasn't just a fluke.' Of course, this made me excruciatingly nervous, and as such, turned me into a complete dumbass. On our first date he was saying how easy it was to talk to me. This time I have a hard time thinking I was easy to talk to at all. I didn't know what to say, I felt really shy, and I was freaking out the whole time that he would find me boring and not want to talk to me anymore. So yeah, I'm a complete psycho sometimes.

Not to sound conceited or anything, but getting a first date or two isn't all that hard, generally, but as soon as I'm even considering feeling a little more serious, and things turn into, well... a thing, then I lose all confidence. When things feel important, my insecurities run rampant. In this particular situation, I'm really intrigued by him and I want to know more. I really want him to stick around. Thus, I overanalyze everything that happened. Why did he want to try to speak English while walking home (despite being like a level 3/10 at best)? Why did he not hold my hand this time? Why did he specifically say that it's been a long time since he visited someone else's house? Boys are confusing, yo.

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