
Tuesday 18 November 2014

On scales, the subconscious and sad students

In accordance to starting working out, I've been wondering if I should get scales. This might not sound like such a big deal, but it's something I've been staying away from for five years. As people who know me know, I used to have an eating disorder around the time I was 19 - I'd weigh myself once a day and the number had to be lower than the day before, even by just a little, or I'd kick the whole not-eating thing up another notch. After I'd gotten over my food obsession, I didn't get on a scale for years. I didn't want to jinx it. But now I'm wondering if it's safe to try again, or if it'll just be the gateway to new obsessions. Are former eating disorders really something you can get rid of? Are relapses really relapses, or does it just never really go away? And would it definitely mean relapse to get one, or can it be just a piece of furniture the way I want it to be? I don't feel obsessive about it now, after all. I'm thinking I should be able to handle it. I mean, it's a scale - an inanimate object with numbers on it. I think I'm enough of an adult to have it not control my life.

I mean, I say I'm an adult, but I just noticed that the shirt I'm wearing is on backwards. SO YEAH WHATEVER. I also accidentally bought cereal with a 'light chocolate flavour' instead of the bran cereal I thought I was getting. Looks like my subconscious is set on being immature for a little longer.

My subconscious, were it a pupppet.

One thing about work is that it's really easy to just start thinking of people as your friends. One of my regulars came in today looking pretty exhausted, so I asked him if he was okay.
"Yeah, I'm okay," he said in the most unconvincing way ever.
"Well... no, I'm not okay. My heart is broken." And I wasn't sure what was going on, because his English isn't all that great, so I just stared at him a little confusedly, and he looked like such a sad puppy, before continuing:
"I'm alone now. My girlfriend wanted to stop."
And I must've looked like the saddest person around because he just started laughing a little awkwardly, and I didn't know what to say, and he looked so sad that I just wanted to give him a hug or a pat on the head or just something to make the situation less terrible for him, but there was nothing I really could do except tell him I was sorry, that I didn't know what to say, try to get on with the lesson and try to help him as much as I could to reach his goals of passing to the next level like he wants to.

I like having my clients be my friends, but I feel bad not knowing what to do. If this dude and I really were friends, I'd take him out to get hammered and bitch about relationships being horrible. Now, all I could do was to try my best to pick any picture that didn't contain a couple, and ask him to describe them in detail. I was happy that he told me, because then I feel like more than just an instructor, but I want to be able to solve problems when I hear about them. That's just the way I am.

Let me solve the problem or let me smother you with care and affection. Don't just leave me hanging!

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