
Wednesday 26 November 2014

On channeling Korean housewives

I had a total housewife day today, deep cleaning the apartment and cooking up some chicken bibimbap. Mid-cooking I started thinking about what it was like when Moonlight cooked it for me and Pony, and how much I really miss him. I even use the same brand of Korean chili paste as we did then, just out of nostalgia. Moonlight and I used to hang out all the time, and he became very close to our friend group very fast, and the fact that I wanted to go to Seoul last weekend but couldn't just made it a little harder to bear. It's been so long now. Then out of nowhere, he started talking to me on facebook again. I don't know if my brain sent out an 'Hey friend, I need you'-SOS, or something, but it was nice to know that I'm not the only person feeling the loss.

Gaba has been a bit shit recently, given that they've taken in like four people in the last month when there clearly hasn't been enough work to go around. It stresses me out, seeing as it directly affects me in that I don't get enough lessons to survive on just my regulars - I need my share of the undecided ones too, and makes me want to find another job at some point even more, seeing as this is kinda fucking with my ability to make a profit. Since Natto's going back to Australia in a few weeks, she offered to hook me up with her work teaching English to groups with another company, and I accepted. It would seem that they're in pretty dire need, since my contact, Mr Stone River, contacted me almost immediately over email to ask for my number. Mr Stone River only speaks Japanese, so obviously I was quite nervous and eager to make a good first impression, but Natto helped me write a polite email back, and I got over my crippling fear of phone calls today and called him back (after having first ignored his phone call earlier today, on account of being almost on my way to take a shower, have you ever heard of a more bullshit excuse?).

Accurate representation of me trying to make a phone call.

The conversation was brief and mostly centred around what days I could work, and if I could teach business English. Mr Stone River said he'd get back to me after speaking to the client. I guess that's all the interview needed at the moment? That's probably a good thing, although right now I'm so nervous I kinda feel like throwing up a little. Coming recommended and having teaching experience seems to open some doors. I'd loathe to give up my free Fridays or Saturdays, but hell, if it's just a lesson or two, I can spare those few hours for some extra cash and a chance to advance. Besides, if this gig ends up scoring me more money, I can always work a day less at Gaba. 

I do quite like my job, especially if I have clients that I like, but the insecurity of it all makes me a little bit nervous. Then again, most days I come home feeling pretty happy and content (albeit tired), and I guess that's more than most people feel. It's nice to feel like I'm doing something right, at least.

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