
Sunday 23 November 2014

On hormones, walks and being, well... tall

I know I took all this time off to do something awesome this weekend, but frankly, I haven't really done shit. I don't know if this was a good thing or bad thing. Maybe it was something I really needed. I've been drawing a lot, and that's something I haven't done in a long time. It felt nice to reconnect with it, if you know what I mean. I felt a little lonely the first two days, and I didn't really open my mouth for 48 hours except to speak to my fish and the shop staff, but in a way, maybe that was restful too. I've been having crazy hormones too, resulting in both my body hating me and my head feeling kinda out of sorts. Gotta love all those wonderful female hormones, am I right?

Still, despite my ovaries hating me and feeling shy as can be, it's been a pretty nice weekend. I took a lot of walks, and the weather has been beautiful all of these days.

I talked to my sister K the other day, and she asked me if I was doing anything to actively look more Asian. "Did you get like, surgery or anything? You look so different. Not bad different´though , it's good." Not consciously I guess, but I guess living here it's hard to not be influenced by the looks and fashion. I just take that as a sign that I'm cute.

I had a new Friend Audition today - a senior from Rikkyo University studying international business. We went out for ramen and just hung out for a few hours this afternoon, talking about stuff, mostly Tinder. In the beginning he seemed rather incessant about my Tinder history ("Have you met a lot of people through Tinder? What were they like? What did you do? Do you still keep in touch?" and other questions to kinda try to gauge if I'm a crazy Tinder addict with a million dates lined up), when I was planning on moving back to Sweden, and my height. Now I know that my height isn't common here, but the boy lived in the states for three years and fucking Denmark for one, he should have seen tall chicks before.

"You're tall. You're so tall. Like, you're really tall." Yeah, thanks for making me feel totally comfortable, Captain Obvious.
"I've never walked with a girl taller than me before. If my friends see me, they'll freak out."

I must've made a face, because he quickly added:
"They'll be all like: 'Hiro, what are you doing with a model?'"

Nice save, man. Seriously though, lay off the tall talk.

He showed me around his university campus through, and it was a weird feeling. Good weird, I think. Seeing a campus in the fall makes me nostalgic. Rikkyo was so beautiful, and I found myself actually missing being a student. I really should look into getting my architecture Masters degree here someplace. I don't think I'm done with the academic world quite yet. The autumn leaves on the campus looked great, and I would've taken pictures if that hadn't made me feel like a total stalker. "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm going to take a bunch of pictures of your school and gush about the architecture and colours of the trees."

He does know the Danish chick from work though. Apparently they're in the same program at school and she came from the university where he'd gone for the exchange. Once I'd said that I don't really get along with her, he seemed a little relieved. "She's got a pretty... strong personality, right?" Well, if by strong you mean she's an 'abrasive bitch', then yes.

On a completely unrelated note, I've developed my first white movie star crush in a while - Ezra Miller from The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Lemme just spam the shit out of you guys for a second. Don't mind me.

Because damn, that boy's purdy.

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