
Wednesday 12 November 2014

On hubs and dancing

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how amazing this song is? Sakanaction are totally awesome on their own, but when they remix their own songs, it's like a whole new level of something that just makes the pleasure centers in my brain explode. It's like an 8 minute eargasm. It's the first song they played way back when T and I went to Sonicmania, and I've been searching for it ever since in an obsessive attempt to make it mine and listen to it every day. Luckily they released a new single a few weeks ago, and there it was. Listening to it again for the first time since that night yesterday, all I could do was to once again acknowledge Ichiro Yamaguchi as God, and bow down to his brilliance.

I had a kinda hard time sleeping last night, eventually passing out around 4 a.m. and then being worken up again around 9 a.m. by an earthquake. Not a huge one, but enough to make it feel like someone was rocking your bed back and forth. Is it a sign that I've become a 'real' Tokyo person when I react by being annoyed at feeling like Mother Earth is trying to mother me by trying to get me out of bed in a reasonably timely manner? Five more minutes, Mother Earth, geez.

Lately there have been a whole lot of new people showing up at work. I can't say I'm too jazzed about it, because October has been pretty slow, and even the people in charge have admitted that we don't really need more people, except for on weekends. Nevertheless, I decided to be a nice person and talk to the new Aussie, mainly because he looks like a shaggier Aussie version of Puppy. He was sticking around late at work finishing the lesson notes to clients, and seemed to really appreciate me taking the time to come and say hi. I know I was feeling pretty lost when I was new, so I thought I'd carry on the traditions of my coworkers to just be a nice person and offer Aussie Puppy a little sympathy.

Before I left, I was talking to Honeybadger at one point, worrying that I wouldn't get any friends. He told me not to worry, that I was a 'social hub' and that people would end up gravitating towards me. I didn't really believe it, although I did like the sentiment, but these past few weeks I've started wondering if maybe he was right. Whenever I have a break, it seems to attract at least one other person on break to my booth to sit around and chat, wasting some time between clients. Sometimes it bothers me, since I try to get some studying done in between, but I can't deny that it's a good feeling to have people actively seek me out.

Speaking of work, I've been feeling a little spaced out lately (yesterday including, and not limited to: slamming my shoulder into a glass door, almost walking into a client, and misspelling my own name), but there's no denying that things are looking better and better. My score's the highest it's ever been (knock on some serious fucking wood), and the last spot check observation of my lesson landed me with a pretty bitchin' 95% success rate. I keep having to remind myself to not check it all the time though, since it only really leads to anxiety. Just gotta keep this going, one step at a time, and try to not freak myself out so much.

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