
Thursday 20 November 2014

On colds, concentration issues and cuties

So hey, you guys remember when I wrote that this apartment is kinda cold?

I am currently wearing not one, but two knitted sweaters and a big-ass woolen scarf, because oh-my-god-this-fucking-country-needs-to-learn-to-isolate-their-fucking-buildings. It doesn't help that one of my walls is literally just windows. I guess this is kinda exacerbated by the fact that I'm exhausted and am probably getting a bit sick - that does always make me really cold (and gives me undereye circles of absolute fucking doom), but the truth cannot be denied - I look like an eastern European immigrant from the 1800's. I'm so happy I have the next four days off. There's a lot of tea drinking and heat conserving in store for me for the next few days.
Lately I've had absolutely no ability to study properly. This sucks, as work is pretty slow and there's a boatload of time to pour over books. I'll read and try to do exercises, but my usual ability to throw myself into studying with a fervor seems a little lost for some reason. I think I'm improving, but it's extremely frustrating to read a paragraph, and then have to reread it like four times because I'm not paying attention. At least my kanji reading is getting better. I guess that's something.

In general, I think this fall has just been crazy for me. I've been working pretty much constantly since June, and given all the stress I've been feeling about work and stuff, it's not strange that I should be out of gas at this point. Having four days off in a month that hasn't gotten me all that much money or bookings makes me a little stressed, but on the other hand, I don't want to do bad work. I'm thinking of putting in more hours next week instead, but for now I'm really looking forward to chilling out a little.

And while I'm chilling, I'm going to start work on a little project... I won't tell you much, but I'm just going to say it includes these five gentlemen.

And that's all I'm going to say, because I know the suspense will drive Pony insane and I like being able to do that from half a world away. With love, of course. Enjoy your pretty boys, silent readers, and I'll catch you later.

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