
Friday 13 December 2013

On money grabbing and time management

I got tipped by two Korean guys today, and that was even after I'd mistakenly given them warm sake instead of cold (although to be fair, I did make it on the house) and had to apologize to them for being out of the beer they wanted. The more silent of the two pulled out a twenty, put it on the little saucer we use to present bills, and went "This is for you". Is there a dignified way to take money like that? Because I always feel like it looks like I'm scrambling a little too quickly and grabbing wildly at the money when it shows up. It's probably nothing anyone has ever noticed, but striking that balance that makes you look poised yet grateful, instead of poor and/or greedy is one of those things I probably spend way too much time thinking about.

 I had my first real exchange with Karate Husband's son yesterday. He strikes me as being rather introvert as well, and we'd only really said 'konnichiwa' and 'sayonara' to each other previously while silently smiling at all other times as we had nothing else to say. I think he doesn't have it all that easy. He shows up alone a few times a week, and when he brought a friend with him at one point the whole restaurant was gossiping gleefully about it later, saying how good it was for him. I don't get why Karate Son wouldn't have friends. He seems like the sweetest kid, and like I've said before, if I were a high school kid I'm sure I'd have the most obsessive crush on him.

Anyways, the restaurant was swamped with people and I was super busy, running back and forth trying to do everything at once and keep everyone happy. Karate Son was there to pick up some food to bring home, and must've taken pity on me, as when I returned from another task found him at the register calmly taking takeaway orders from patrons. I felt so embarrassed, and wheezed out an appology to him which he brushed off with a smile and told me it was no biggie. I felt insane relief that it wasn't Karate Husband, as I'm kinda intimidated that he'd be unhappy with my work performance if I couldn't hold it all together on my own. Karate Son looked happy to help, and debriefed me on the orders once I could take over again. I thanked him profusely before he left, telling him that he saved my ass, he just smiled again and waved bye, and I for the life of me can't understand why he wouldn't have friends. That kid's golden. He should work at the restaurant for real. Lately things have been so busy I'd take any help I could get.

Shan keeps saying that things calm down in the winter, but so far I'd say we're making more money on average a week than we were when I started working. Customers are happy, and we have a high number of returning patrons. Looking at reviews online and hearing Mafune and the others talk about how it was before makes me think that the restaurant probably was in a bit of a slump previously, and now it's regaining some of its popularity, which is good for the restaurant and in the long run good for me, but evenings as busy as today and Tuesday feel like hell.

Anywho, I was talking to O while going home tonight, and he was telling me that the deadline for applying for exchange years was on Monday. I'd totally blanked everything school related, so obviously I didn't know this, nor was I really thinking about going anywhere just yet. O's thinking either Zurich or Oslo, and it feels a bit weird discussing it with him when all I can really say is "Yeah, I've actually thought about... you know, maybe starting to do architecture related stuff again. Like I don't hate it anymore", and while it's a really good shift for me, I feel hopelessly behind people like Max, O and Sand who are all out there doing things. Both Max and O have internships, and Sand's doing her fourth year in Porto. Almost all of my friends are further along than I am. Knives Chau is still at the same place I am though, and I'm happy to not be here all alone and to have someone who actually understands what I'm feeling in regards to all of it, but I'm beginning to feel like it's important to get back to it so I'm not left in the dust. I do want to work with architecture after all. I'm just so scared I won't be any good at it that I don't like showing my work. To anyone. Good luck scoring a job with crippling self-esteem issues, self. Nice going.

My face at any prospective architecture-related job interview.

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