
Friday 2 August 2013

On k-pop drinking games part 1 - The prelude

The Puppy and I devised a K-pop drinking game the other day. You guys want to play? You play by watching k-pop videos and getting wasted. As good a use of any Thursday, if you ask me. Grab any k-pop friendly girls and/or gay guys you know, because drinking alone sounds depressing.


Jaejoong approves.

  • Every time there's blatant fan service and/or partial nudity, drink.
  • Every time there's a cool dance move that makes you go "whoa", drink.
  • Every time someone touches their crotch in the video, drink.
  • Every time there are fake tattoos and/or fake scars, drink.
  • Every time someone does a dramatic hand gesture in front of their face, drink. Bonus points if they clench their fist.
  • Every time there's bad or needless English, drink.
  • Bonus rule for if you want to get completely hammered: every time your favorite band member is featured, drink.
As far as I can tell this may be the most efficient way of getting drunk since the Pokemon Drinking Board Game that I played with some friends in Uppsala last year. Spoiler alert, we weren't just drunk but stupid drunk in like an hour. I'm guessing this game might produce a similar result, but hey, gotta try it out right?

Early U-KISS stuff is a fucking goldmine for this. Anywho, the plan is to stock up on White Russians and alcoholic strawberry milkshakes and just have a pretty sweet afternoon super-chilled party. Grab your poison, give the game a go, and I'll check in with you guys with or without a hangover tomorrow for a review. Hwanho!

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