
Tuesday 4 February 2014

On never-ending weekends and awesome parties

This weekend felt extremely long for some reason. Not in a bad way, just kinda eternal. Never-ending.

Saturday I had to fill in for one of the Swedish girls, as it was her birthday and she'd been nice enough to let me off the hook on mine. I'm nice sometimes, what can I say? I spent the day hanging out with Moonlight and later with Pony, dreading the evening and wishing it away. Of course, once I'd actually arrived to work, it turned out to be the one day I totally could've stayed at home. It was almost as slow as the beginning of the week, and being two waitresses to handle it made it all the slower. I say of course, but it could have been super busy as well. Can't have any grey zones at work. Anyways, this evening made me totally emphasize with Scott Pilgrim when he says "I'm going to go pee due to boredom". Having literally nothing to do feels like the most boring, counter productive thing ever.

Working slow nights almost feels a little philosophical. "Why am I here? No really, there's no need for me, you could easily do this by yourself." But no, it was like the other waitress wanted company in the miserable boredom that that restaurant can be when it's not busy. I was seriously bitter for not being allowed to leave.

Sunday was, in comparison, a much better day. Sand had kinda hijacked my apartment for an impromptu Pokemon party, which totally went nuts but in a really fun way where people got wasted and no one turned into a jerk or started crying. Everyone tried to get me really drunk for some reason. Knives Chau fell asleep in the most adorable way possible. Moonlight turned into the most affectionate person on the planet. The couch broke. Creepy masks were worn. Good times were had.

...and hangovers followed in the morning. Suddenly it made sense why no one ever plans parties that involve a lot of drinking on Sundays. I felt pretty miserable after I'd woken up, especially since Knives, Sand and I had a brunch date which meant that none of us could really sleep in as much as we would've wished that we could. I ended up napping face down on the table at the café we ate lunch at, but at least I was in good company with two other completely exhausted but pleased people. It felt nice to actually do something with a hangover day, as opposed to just lying in bed feeling sorry for myself, as I would've done if I were given the choice. I mean, that's nice too, but there's just something that makes me feel kinda good about myself when I'm actually facing the world and not feeling or looking my best. I'm just awesome anyways. The world's just going to have to try to handle it.

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