
Wednesday 26 February 2014

On being great

"You know, you're great," the one-armed man I was serving told me as I was handling his bill. I was stumped at first and responded with the very charming "huh?" while looking at him like he'd magically morphed into a talking unicorn or something.
"We were just talking about you," he said, motioning to the woman who was with him. "We were talking about how great you are. You're so kind and helpful!"
Generally I'm more used to people being dicks, so I thanked them profusely while smiling a real smile, not my 'Hi, this is my work face'-smile.
"That's really sweet of you to say. People don't really say that all that often."
"Well they should! You're really good at this!"
I guess this was the universe's way of apologizing for letting the crazy Kirin man show up. Luckily, we were so busy that I didn't have time to serve him at all, leaving poor Shan to take all of his abuse instead. Seriously, that man makes my skin crawl. I caught a glimpse of him while pouring beer for another table and literally started to shake. That's one scary motherfucker.

I came home to find that the new roommate was back home. Seriously, I see this guy so seldom he doesn't even have his own alias on my blog, and we supposedly live together. Oh well. We stood around talking about his graduation project, and I keep feeling like I'm critiquing it or giving him pointers and stuff, because he tells me that he doesn't know what to do, and out of my mouth comes all these awesome ideas and all this enthusiasm for architecture that I'd kinda forgotten all about. It's nice, even though I'm honestly exhausted when I come in through the door after a long day of running around being nice to everyone (and great, apparently). I like that I'm still excited about architecture, and I like that my imagination is kicking back into gear.

Over the past year, everything's been so crazy. Insane workloads has had my mood in a constant fluctuating state, and my emotional life has been as far from stable as can be imagined. I'm still in a very insecure position, but I feel things beginning to come back. Imagination, drive, the will to get out of bed and actually do things in the morning. I've really missed them all.

I don't know if their sudden return has anything to do with my actually taking proactive steps in the whole getting to Japan thing. That still scares me like crazy, but somehow I get the feeling that the reason things are beginning to look up for me is that I'm heading in a good direction. I'm doing something I've wanted to do with my life for a really long time, and I feel pretty good about it (apart from the whole being terrified aspect, of course). I even think my sleep patterns are beginning to stabilize.

Life right now could be worse, for sure.

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