
Thursday 13 February 2014

On sleep success and accidental stalking

Hooray, a 20% increase in sleep! I guess going from five to six hours shouldn't be cause for so much excitement, but falling asleep at a pretty acceptable time did feel really good. The pills seem to be doing their shit. Waking up still left me feeling like I was run over by a bus, but that feeling when you're falling asleep, like you're sinking into warm mud, is honestly worth most things right now. Mm, mud.

The Philosopher came back from his almost month-long trip to visit his sister in Kenya, so we spent the morning going on a really long walk and talking about everything and nothing in particular. Not sleeping and much walking seems to be an excellent recipe for getting sleepy, and the coffee I poured down my throat when we went to the bar where I first tried working all those months ago only really gave me the shakes. Karate Husband showed up, and not noticing me at first was very surprised when I greeted him in the same cheery (but slightly sleepier) way I always greet him with at work.

I decided to go talk to Karate wife about quitting, and the Philosopher walked me over to the other restaurant. Who opened the door when we'd stopped to chat outside? Karate Husband. We looked at each other and just started laughing, which made me feel slightly less like a creepy stalker, but not much less awkward about it. It was funny though. Funny in the awkward "I'm not following you, I swear" kinda way. I can't help liking Karate Husband, even though he's a scary little man. That scary little man is my friend.

Saying goodbye to the Philosopher, I went to discuss my job, only to find that she had left early. I spent my time talking to Norimaki-san about the coming horrors of working Valentine's day instead and made plans to try to come back tomorrow for a better chance at catching Karate wife, silently thanking my lucky stars for not having to deal with the awkwardness. Later I actually did have to deal with the awkwardness, when she came by work to pick up Karate son. "Do you have time to talk tomorrow?" I asked her. "I have time now!" she said with a smile, but looked far less happy after I'd stammered out in probabaly rather shaky Japanese that I'm planning to move and need time to make preparations and would be quitting. I apologized for springing it on them, but still felt kinda like a bitch. She looked to be a mix between disappointed and annoyed, and those are two human emotions that I really really don't want linked with me. It makes me feel like crap. But anywho, I need this for my sanity, so I'm going to let them know when this whole thing is ending, and then just hope for the best.

...let's not be this again.

As a present to myself for surviving when things are fucking terrible, I went to pick up this beauty that I've bought, as well as a burrito for lunch before work.

Burritos may very well be the most un-lolita food in the world, I know, but all that walking had me starving. I'd show you what was in the bag, but I'm thinking I should save it for a more fun reveal. A lady needs some secrets, after all.

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