
Tuesday 18 February 2014

On job interview tasks and reference letter worries

What I didn't tell you guys yesterday when I was too busy writing out the whole awkward and sad affair with Moonlight was that I had an interview for a job in Japan. Yeah, I know, it was cruel of me to keep it from you faithful silent readers, but it just didn't feel like the time or place to bring it up. I was a bit too emotionally drained to be nervous, which I think worked in my favour, and the interview seemed to go pretty well. Since my university education wasn't all English, my interviewer told me that she couldn't garuantee me a visa, but that my living abroad had left enough to go on for her to be able to push for one anyways. Anything that's not a definitive 'no' is good in my book. At least this kinda shows that they want me.

Although of course it won't stop me from freaking the fuck out, because hey, I'm still my same neurotic self.
Pictured: Me trying to score this job.
Anyways, they sent me a task today, which caught me a little off balance. I should've known they wouldn't just hire me out of the goodness of their hearts, and that they would want to test my teaching abilities in some way that wasn't just looking at my TEFL score, but it filled me with some worry. I don't really have all that much experience, which makes me not entirely confident in my teaching abilities. I have another four days to complete it, so there's plenty of time, but it's still something that makes me a bit anxious. Not in a bad way per se, but I want to complete this task as well as I can, and I feel like I'm doing a tightrope walk with no safety net. I need to concentrate and really do my best work to get to the other side. I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but this really is the best shot I've had at a job since I first started applying.

Mafune has translated my reference and sent it to her dad to check on the validity of the business Japanese to make sure it was polite enough. It should be back on Wednesday, but she warned me not to just take it to Karate wife without asking. "She'll say yes, but call her and talk to her about signing it or it's considered really rude." I need my references sent off by Friday 12 PM Japanese time, so it feels a little daunting. Should I call her today before I have it, or even before I've written that note with my ending dates? How do I say it in Japanese in a polite way? If I write her the note today with some pleasantries and call her tomorrow in the morning when Mafune's dad has worked his magic, I can ask if I can swing by the restaurant both that day or Thursday, and still make it in time. I'm waiting for another letter of reference from one of my former teachers, and I'm just hoping I can tie this all together by the deadline, because that's freaking me out a bit too. It's a make-it-work-week if there ever was one, which I think in a way is good, given my current emotional situation. What better to take my mind of stuff than to throw myself into a high-intensity bid to secure a job and a future? Who knows, this might exhaust me enough to let me sleep for more than seven hours in one go.

Not just the creative process. Every process.

On a related note: That awkward moment when you get a belated Valentine's Day card from your parents with a picture of a frog in a crown on it, with them asking "Have you found yourself a prince yet? Unfortunately you can't kiss this one!". They've been kept blissfully in the dark about everything Moonlight related, but man, the timing.

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