
Monday 24 February 2014

On good weekends, pizza and new friends

When I read that if I get the job I'm applying for right now, students will be able to give me reviews, this is the kind of review I want. If people were this happy with me, I'd know for sure I was doing something right.

My weekend was about a million times better than last weekend. I mean, I guess that's not all that hard given the circumstances, but it was still nice to have everything feel so... I don't know, normal. Good even. I wasn't expecting it, maybe that's why. Anywho, it was a good change. My cold's better (although still far from good), I'm sleeping better (although still not as well as I wish I would) and I got my Interview Task sent in, on time and everything. I cleaned the apartment, got through the mountain of dishes I had to take care of, folded clothes and still had time to, you know, do stuff.

Yesterday, after the Philosopher had been over to watch the first episode of the third season of Sherlock (yeah, I know I'm behind, okay?), he invited me to his friend's house for pizza.
"Have I even met him?" I protested. "Won't it be weird if you just bring some random chick to his house?"
"You've met once before," he said, "two years ago, at the same party you met me. You guys sat in a couch and talked about stuff."
"Oh, well in that case," I replied, rolling my eyes.
"His girlfriend just auditioned for a baking show on TV. There will be sweet stuff everywhere."
"So when do we leave?"

What can I say, I'm a girl with simple pleasures. Meeting them felt a wee bit odd, especially since it was just me, the Philosopher, this dude and his girlfriend, but for some reason I relaxed pretty quick. I think it was the beer, delivery pizza and wii gaming showdown. I'd say that's a pretty good way to get me to relax.

Being undefeated in Soul Calibur 2 didn't exactly feel bad either.

I was hesitant to go, because I thought things would be weird. Hanging out with friends that weren't my own in a four people setting where I didn't know the dynamics at all could potentially have gotten horribly weird. Luckily, about half an hour in, I noticed that I wasn't tense anymore, and by the end of the evening when going home I didn't dread hugging the other two. I don't really know where all this emotional energy has come from, but I'm glad it's here. Maybe it's because the sun's back and it feels like spring is on its way. Maybe it's because I'll be finishing work in two weeks. Maybe it's because I've had time off while I've been sick. Whatever the reason, I hope to keep it up because I think it's seriously beneficial. Yay for personal growth and all of that jazz.

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