
Friday 7 February 2014

On weird laughs and strange men from Czechoslovakia

Today was, luckily, a better day than the past few days have been. If it hadn't, I probably would have called in sick and just given up on the world for the day. I was still feeling a bit shaken from yesterday and hadn't slept very well, but I felt like it was my duty to suck it up and put a smile on my face for the day. It felt a little insincere at first, but later ended up coming pretty naturally, even though I kept feeling like my laugh was a little bit too high, or a bit too loud, or dragged on for a bit longer than felt natural. Something was off, I guess. Then again, I guess it's true what they say when they say 'fake it till you make it'. I did end up feeling better than I've done this week, so that's always a plus.

I took Moonlight to Stockholm Filmskola to meet with the principal and ask some questions. Moonlight was pretty freaked out, which ended up being contagious. I sat there being really nervous for no reason, trying to make things as clear as possible for Moonlight without flaunting his lack of English skills to the world. After the meeting he seemed confused and a little dejected, and while I tried to cheer him up over a cup of terrible coffee at a cafe (where Karate Son also suddenly showed up and we shared an awkward hello before almost demonstrably turning all our attention to the people we were with and not acknowledging the other's presence), I didn't really know what to say when he asked me what I thought about the school and what I thought he should do. I do my best to try to help people figure it out by themselves, but I don't want to weigh in at either side as I could impossibly know all the factors or emotions coming into play. Advice is hard. I try not to give it lightly.

Which of these poses say 'Hire me'?
I realized that I need a recent photo of myself to send off to one of the jobs I applied for, and it needs to be done before 12 p.m. Japanese time tomorrow. This makes it too late to ask G for help, and as such I have to try to doctor a picture of myself and all I get are shots where I look like a tired version of my mom. Shit. Webcam pictures are way out as well, seeing as they're absolutely terrible in quality. I don't know if it's going to ruin an otherwise pretty decent application. But it's either send them a not great image where I don't actually look terrible, or not send an image at all and not get picked for sure. I'm hoping the gamble will pay off. At least I managed to get one where I don't look like a psycho axe murderer. That's always a good thing. I guess. Unless you're into that kinda thing.

Waiting for the subway a haggard-looking small, stout man walked up to me and asked me if I was okay. Surprised I looked up from my book and told him I was fine, to which he smiled, pointed at himself and said "Czechoslovakia!" before wandering on. It was... surreal to say the least. Maybe it's the universe's way of checking up on me again. Could the universe please stop using such trippy ways to do that? It's kinda getting weird.

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