
Tuesday 11 February 2014

On migraines and potential big breaks

I rounded off Sunday evening with a big migraine. "At least now maybe I'll get some sleep," I thought, almost relishing the thought of just passing out and sleeping for longer than I have all week. "Fuck that," my body seemed to say, and woke up at 3 a.m. after just five hours, feeling completely unable to go back to sleep. Eventually I did, and slept another six or so hours, but I still feel dead. My back and shoulders just ache. It's a good change from not being able to sleep at all, I guess, and Mafune is covering my shift today, for which I'm eternally grateful. It's probably going to be another early night to try to catch up on the seven previous days of insomnia.

I asked Moonlight if he wanted to hang out this week, and when he said he didn't know I felt too tired to give a shit, and told him that it feels like I don't really see him anymore. He said that it was because he needs to put all that effort into getting into school here, and yeah, I get that that's a legit reason. It doesn't stop me from feeling left out when he can spend time casually with other friends I guess. But comparing spending the weekend with people who speak his native language to spending time with me and my friends might be a bit unfair. I don't know. He invited me to go along to O's boyfriend's house to talk about getting into the film school he wants to enroll in, and while that wasn't really what I was hoping for in terms of hanging out, I suppose it's better than nothing.

In this mess of migraines and emotional worries, something good did happen today though. I got myself a date for an interview with a company in Japan. A real, live Skype interview! For a real, live teaching job! In one week from today. It's with a company that allows you to dictate your times on your own, but after some internet searching they seem to be a bit shady. The general consensus seems to be "It's good for some people, but if you can get another job you're probably better off with them", as you sign up for available hours but only get paid for the lessons you manage to book, meaning that if you're popular and work evenings and weekends, things tend to work out fine, but if you can't score clients things might get pretty shit pretty fast. It makes me a little nervous. I know I can be good with people, and obviously the company thinks I can make them money or they wouldn't get in touch with me, but it's still scary. The fact that they don't reinburse you for transport or provide any company insurance is also kinda sketchy, as most companies tend to do this. I'm still shopping around, but hey, an interview is an interview. If one company wants me, chances are others will too. It's a break, you guys!

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