
Friday 14 March 2014

On energizing spring

Spring's here, silent readers! Finally, after months of darkness that I didn't really think would end. And I've been all productive today, which has felt pretty neat. I started off by going by Karate wife to casually mention that they still haven't payed me for last month, to which she looked rather embarrassed and apologetic, promising to get it done ASAP, before hooking me up with some free sushi lunch. The money's still not there and I'm still a little bit annoyed about that, but hell, it'll be there soon and I'm not in any crippling debt or so. That's a good thing I guess. I just don't like margins, and I wish they'd deposit my money sooner rather than later.

I miss Shan's sushi. This wasn't bad either, but goddamn it, Shan's is a whole different ball park. Anyways, I'm not one to complain when given free lunch.
I headed to school afterwards to speak to the person in charge of the Bachelors portion of the Architecture section, and being the loveable person he is, he put me at ease saying that they of course would do what they could to help, and asked me to formulate a letter that he could print and that I would be able to use in the immigration process. I was obviously pretty ecstatic about this, seeing as it's been one of those things I've really been worried about. At least now I'm all that much closer to getting everything sorted, and in good time too.

Maybe I should just keep looking at this picture over and over.
I was feeling pretty good about myself, and then remembered that I'd promised to meet and hang out with Moonlight a little in the afternoon. I'm really trying to be an adult about the whole thing, and it wasn't nearly as difficult as running into him on Friday was, but it still felt a bit awkward and it was still not something I was completely happy with doing. Conversation was not really flowing, and there wasn't really anything we were actually planning on doing, apart from desperately try to cover up those weird silences and all that uncomfortable shifting of weight back and forth. I think given some time we'll be okay, like when he moves back to Seoul next winter and I've been in Tokyo for a while, but I think it might take a while to get back to our original buddy levels. Not that we've ever been friends without benefits, but I can handle that too. I just need a while to stop finding him adorable.

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