
Tuesday 2 December 2014

On potatoes and aqua men

"You're so oshare!" one of my favourite from the Japanese staff said today. I was a little taken aback, since 'oshare' means 'fashionable' and 'cool-looking', and I was just wearing my usual work getup (plus glasses, funky socks and a big-ass scarf). I guess drop crotch pants make me look cool even when I'm a square. I guess that's a plus. Even in my lessen observations, the people doing them write that I 'always look professional'. I'm just happy to be able to get away with this kind of stuff - as some of you may remember, that was one of my biggest issues with this job: having to wear business attire (because I'm a terribly vain person). Just give my Fashion Pajamas and I'm good to go.

For some reason, two weeks ago there were three observations done by three different people in two days. I don't know if I did something in particular or why they felt the need to have so many observations, but they all went well (75%, 95% and 100%, because I'm just that awesome). I'm constantly surprised by our Hungarian supervisor, who's always super jokey and leaves things like 'lol' in his comments, wondering how he ever got into a position of authority. People tell me he's a bit of a hard-ass, but he's always been really sweet to me, so I don't really know where they're getting their dirt from. The one thing he does that isn't making jokey faces or closing my lessons without a word of complaint when I ask him, is tell me to show more leadership and be more assertive, and while I guess I could, it's just really not my thing.

The wheels are set in motion for the contract extension, by the way. That's a little intimidating in itself, since I don't want to be kicked out of the country. Like really don't want to be kicked out. The new supervisor pretty much told me that it wouldn't happen, while my boss told me it shouldn't happen, but I'm going to put in extra hours in January and February all the same. I've been thinking of doing a day a week in Akihabara, and with that I can bully Peewee into giving me more lessons, so I shouldn't be freaking out too bad. Still, I'm going to have some nervous months ahead of me before it's all sorted out for another year. Then rinse and repeat next year, I guess, less something crazy happens.

Speaking of crazy, I can't seem to shake Potato out of my head. He's giving me all these mixed signals, and it's super confusing. Puppy said that he thinks Potato likes me, but that something's holding him back, while Pony told me that hot people are nervous too. "Just look at you! Cheekbones doesn't magically make that go away." Pop culture has just told me that if a guy likes you, they'll go out of your way to spend time with you, but I don't know if that's something that's applicable with Japanese business practice. He's busy for the next two weeks, but said that we'd probably be able to meet up before I go back to Stockholm. I don't know if I'm just overthinking all of this terribly, going a bit dating crazy, but what can I say? The boy's absolutely gorgeous and adorably introverted. Who wouldn't go a bit crazy over that?

While on the subject of crazy, I've been crazy in love with Beenzino all day today. Moonlight tried to get me into him back when we hung out in Stockholm, and while I thought he was okay (albeit totally hot), it wasn't until I found Aqua Man that I really appreciated his old-school sound and deep voice, because fuuuck, that dude is something else. That voice squeezes my ovaries. I just wish Japanese hip hop was equally cool so I could figure out what was going on. That said, I love the sound of Korean. It just works so well with rap, and with those random English phrases that seem a little out of place. But man, the way he says: "It's your man", nothing's out of place. All I can say is: I wish. I fucking wish.

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