
Wednesday 31 December 2014

On yearly highlights and a total lack of fireworks

And what a year it's been.

Tokyo is far quieter than I'd expected of a city of millions on New Years Eve. It actually makes me quite pleased. I had these grandiose plans of having a really awesome New Years Eve, filled with all this magic stuff that I've had over the past year, only to find that I really don't care, and that I'd rather stay home by myself and just chill, listening to the New Years gongs ringing from my friendly neighbourhood shrine. It's not like I've had all that much time to myself these past two weeks, and given that my parents bought be a cute tea pot of that very type I've been tearing up Tokyo to find, I have a whole lot of tea drinking going on, and I'm quite content.

Just like last year, I decided to have a look at what you guys have found interesting in my life this past year. Granted, I've been far more shit with updating this year than I was last year, but I like to think that the content has gotten a little more exciting. I mean, apart from when I'm whining and bitching. You can always tell me to STFU if you think I'm overdoing it, you know. I probably won't resent you for it.

There's been so much going on. Way more had to do with fish than I could ever have imagined. I mean, first with the restaurant work and my boss being part of the mob, then with my current job, with the move and everything, and first all the awesome things about the Philosopher, and then all the drama and later total shit, seeing my personal heroes live, and the drama surrounding Moonlight, not to mention me falling pretty hard for Potato now, and all of my nerves... geez, it's hard to understand how I survived all that shit. It's hard to grasp that the year in which this all happened is over, and that it even was a year rather than like... six. But here I am, after all, smack dab in the middle of life. I wrote that I thought 2013 was the year for sowing, which would lead 2014 to be the year of reaping - and I think I might've been right. At least these past few months have been pretty kick-ass (and judging from the traffic my posts have had in November and December, I'm ready to assume that you guys feel the same), due to hard work and determination. I still think there's more to come though, and I'm approaching 2015 with a kind of uncharacteristic optimism. Who would've thought?

So briefly, 2014 in pictures.

I'm glad you all seemed to get some amusement out of that horribly mortifying night with Potato, by the way. Knowing that it makes people laugh when I tell them about it makes me feel less inclined to jump off a bridge when I look back at it. And besides, I like laughing at myself. I'm going to continue doing that, and it would be cool if you guys wanted to stick around and laugh at me, with me, too.

Come join me for another year of shenanigans! See you in 2015!

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