
Thursday 4 December 2014

On reckless sleeping

I can't seem to get out of bed lately. I'll have my clock set for like 8 or 9 a.m., but once that time rolls around it's nigh on impossible to even get my eyes to focus, and I end up going back to sleep for a few hours, still feeling more or less exhausted when I wake up. I have no idea why. Maybe I'm getting sick? I have had a crappy sore throat the past few days after all, coupled with constant headaches, but not a fever or anything. Even if I'm nervous about Christmas, I'm really appreciating the thought of time off. This year's almost over now, and it's been a seriously crazy ride. A pit stop before lap two is pretty welcome, I think.

Anywho, this ended up making me late today. I was meeting one of my clients to hang out, and just as I'm dragging my lazy ass out of bed, he texts me going "Hey, I'm at the station now, where are you?" and I just fucking freak out, throwing on whatever clothes are nearby and rushing out, looking like a total disaster, I'm sure. I don't think I've ever been that quick out the door. He didn't seem to mind all that much, seeing as he's like one of the most laid-back people I've met here, and we had a really nice day of coffee drinking and noodles. I wish I could say I had a really productive day after that, but I only had two bookings all day, at the end of my shift, and if this guy hadn't been around to cheer me up and keep me busy by going to different bookstores in the area, I would've had the most awful day of bitterness. Now it managed to pass as mildly annoying, but still pretty good. That's good praise in my book, all things considered.

My last client of the day, one of my most loyal regulars, actually called me cute today when I mixed up the > signs when explaining something. First I argued my case, then I kinda stared at the paper, eventually going "..wait, they're facing the wrong way, aren't they?" before he started laughing (damn engineers), waving away my excuses about not having done math for a really long time by giggling and going "No, it's cute". Now while this was kinda endearing, this worries me a little, since it's a progression from what I've considered to be silent (but not so subtle) admiration, to booking pretty much all his lessons with me and now giving personal compliments. I might be overthinking this, but it was the first time he'd ever talked to me like that and it kinda caught me off guard. He's a nice guy and all, and I really enjoy teaching him, but I hope it stays there - even though it's flattering to have a Todai graduate think you're the shit, I don't want what are usually really pleasant lessons to be tainted with awkward one-sided flirting.

Speaking of awkward flirting, people on Tinder need to stop doing two things - stop posting only group pictures in which it's impossible to see who the person is, and stop fucking posting family pictures of you with your wife and kids. Now I know dating and monogamy rules are a little different hereand people in general seem to find it pretty natural, but fuck, I don't want your adultery cropping up in my feed of dudes I may or may not want to get in touch with. I can take the awkward 'Here are my muscles'-posing (even though I find it ridiculous) and the pictures taken from like a mile away, but really guys, no girlfriend and/or toddlers. Have some decency.

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