
Tuesday 9 December 2014

On different kinds of hunger

People have an interesting views on relationships here in Japan. They're super casual about them in a lot of different ways, and completely confusing about them in others. It's pretty cool when they're super chill about one night stands and casual hookups, but maybe less cool when people who come to my lessons talk about going on dates and being in love with other women, despite being married. Like, it's cool if everyone's in on it, but something tells me that their wives are stuck at home, taking care of the kids, while the men hang out with women after work and have like a whole other world out there. Even the magazines that litter the break room are filled with classifieds where people are looking to cheat on their spouses. Stop it Japan, that shit ain't cute.

I'm in a period right now where I'm constantly hungry. Like, I will eat pretty much anything that isn't moldy or moving (except for conveyor belt sushi of course), and I have no idea why. Probably hormonal. It's just so hard to not buy chocolate covered almonds and eat the whole package in one sitting even when I know that they will fuck up my face with zits and my waistline with kilos. I try not to be a dick to myself about it, and I do think that every once in a while, having a bit of a pig out is fine, but fuck man. I have like zero self control, and it's pretty frustrating.

One of my clients even went: "Hey, it's kinda late, are you sure you should be eating at this time? You'll get fat." I just kinda stared at him in disbelief, and he hastily added: "Well,  you're thin, so it's not really a problem for you or anything, but..." and I just kinda wanted to go: "Bitch, you're way rounder than I am and you just told me you're going home to drink beer, which is pretty much straight up liquid calories. Shut the fuck up." Unfortunately I'm totally dependant on these assholes to pay my salary, so all I can really do is smile and try to not let the resentment shine through. I'm the only one who's allowed opinons on my food intake. I'll eat dinner whenever the fuck I want, thank you very much.

I like it much better when my students give me alcohol, like one of my regulars did on Sunday. "It's pretty sweet, so you might not like it, because you're a drinker," he said, and I felt a little guilty for having to stop gushing about how kind he was to rephrase what he was saying so as to not make me sound like a raging alcoholic.

I've gotten so used to people being completely chill with getting drunk as a hobby that it no longer phases me to answer 'yes' when they ask if I like alcohol. I mean, I do, so what's the point in denying it? People should just be more honest about being slobs. We'd all feel better if that were the case.

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