
Saturday 6 December 2014

On dreamed lifestyles and wins

So yeah, I managed to score that other job.

I can't say I have any idea how this happened, since I felt like I crashed and burned spectacularly, given that I had nothing at all to work from in terms of material, and was thrown into a real life situation with a real client after first having gotten lost and then running all the way to the office. Great first impression there. I also managed to draw a black dot on my boob with the whiteboard pen during the lesson, that I just pulled out of my ass (the lesson, not the pen). The student seemed really serious, asking me how I would plan her lessons, and 'what textbooks I would require her to use', and I'm just sitting there like: "Shit shit shit, I want you to tell me what to do, like my other clients do in the safety of the Gaba LS", eventually just spewing out any and every random idea I had to fill a potential two hours a week, and to my great surprise, Mr. Stone River told me that she was feeling it, and that he was impressed with what he'd seen when he was sticking his head in the door. "I had this image of Gaba people being useless without their textbooks, but you proved that's not the case." Adding to that, he threw on an extra 500 yen per lesson, boosting it to Natto's rate of 2500 yen per hour, as opposed to the usual 2000. Can I just say that I'm feeling pretty psyched? Because I'm feeling pretty psyched. Scared shitless, but psyched.

All this happened on very little sleep and a bit of a hangover as well. I spent last night out at a fashionable bar with a fashionable boy, getting fashionably drunk. Casually dating in Tokyo has so far been a lot of fun, bringing a lot of new experiences. Last night in particular I found myself sitting in that exclusive bar, drinking Japanese whisky on the rocks, feeling so extremely grown-up and like I'm in some crazy arthouse movie. It's a modern take on the turn-of-the-century Parisian bohemian lifestyle. It's what I dreamed about for years, and there it was, all coming together perfectly in a single evening of feeling fabulous. Like holy hell, this really is my life now. I'm living my dream.

Right now I kinda want to have nights like that all the time, which of course isn't sustainable in any way. Still, to go completely decadent every once in a while is just healthy, right? As not as I'm not snorting cocaine off hookers, yeah?

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