
Thursday 1 January 2015

On non-fancy New Year's Eves and new resolutions

I woke up with a text from Puppy, where he goes "I hope your New Years was super fancy!". Spending it in your pajamas eating cookies and watching House of Cards doesn't really go down in history as a kind of Great Gatsby New Years, and while I was perfectly happy with it last night, I'm feeling like it was a bit of a missed opportunity this morning. Part of me thinks I should've gone out on this crazy adventure, maybe because that's what I think people expect of me now (and because it would've been pretty dope), and part of me loves spending a romantic evening with myself. Netflix and pajamas, y'all. It can't be beaten.

Last year, as some of you may remember, I had one resolution for New Years.

I don't know if it really counts as a resolution. Maybe it's more of a demand? Or a challenge? Still, it's a good one, so I think I'm sticking with it. New Years Demands. I like it.

Generally, I find resolutions to be a little silly. Or, not so much resolutions in and of themselves, but that people seem to think that just because it happens on the last day of our rather arbitrary calendar, that it means something special to the universe. Make promises, people, but make them to yourselves - not because people in (not so) funny hats are counting down the minutes.

I've compiled a list of things I want to try to get done this year though.

1. Give less of a fuck.

I try to not give a fuck. Usually I'm quite good at it, although there are times where I feel hysterically self-conscious and I'm pretty much convinced that everyone is staring and judging me. Remember, self - everytime you give a fuck, you're giving away an actual fuck, which may or may not be with someone ridiculously hot, so be selective with your fucks!

2. Get my finances into a little better shape.

Like really. They're kind of a joke right now.

3. Feel more awesome about self.

I'm awesome and I do awesome things. I deserve more recognition from myself for that.

4. Sex.

More sex. Better sex. New sex. All the sex.

5. Feel less weird about having a lot of sex.

As long as it's consensual and safe, why should I (or anyone else for that matter) give a fuck?

6. More yoga.

I feel like better flexibility is needed for point #4.

7. Tell people I like them if I do.

What's the worst that'll happen? They'll go "uh, I uh... thanks", things will be a little awkward, and then it's over. No one gets mad that you like them. They might even get happy.

8. Cook something every now and again.

And no, cup noodles and/or grilled cheese sandwiches don't count.

9. See more of Japan/the world.

I want to go to more cities in Japan. I want to see Seoul with Moonlight. I want to party with Yanyan in Hong Kong.

10. Be happy.

Now this one is kinda a little bit out of my control, but I really wish to continue being happy. These past few months have been the best I've ever had, and I can't help but want to continue that.

So bring it, 2015. Be the best yet. You've certainly got the potential. 

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