
Sunday 4 January 2015

On compliments, charms and crankiness

At work today, the first ever fairly accurate case of 'Hey, you look like that white actress/musician/famous person' ever happened, with one of my cute (but identical) university girl students went: "I watched that movie, you know, About Time? You look like the girl from there."

Aww, cute but identical university student, you sure know how to charm my socks off.

I'll take a Rachel McAdams compliment any day over a Taylor Swift one. Plus, that hair is super cute. Maybe I should cut my bangs shorter?

Coming back from twelve lessons I was pretty exhausted, not to mention in a little bit of a bad mood. Not having taught for over two weeks left me feeling kind of out of it, and I was feeling rather dejected at the end of it. I was meeting T to hang out after work, but was far from feeling it - especially when he was in a mood to play around like an idiot and ended up headbutting me really hard in the forehead as a way of saying hello. It's frustrating how he goes from whiny grandpa to fun person to annoying child, and how I on any given day have no idea what I'm getting. We're good friends and all, and he cracks me up, but Christ, sometimes I just wish I could pour a whole glass of milk over his head or something. Then, a moment later, he'll surprise me by being completely darling and giving me a charm to keep me safe while going my merry way around Tokyo.

Complete with a frog/going home pun. Adorable.

It's hard to stay cranky with frog charms.

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