
Friday 2 January 2015

On meeting gods

You guys know what's fun? Going out for the day to visit shrines and go grocery shopping and then realizing that your key for the front door no longer works. For real. I freaked out in the doorway, bags littered on the ground by my mailbox, and stood jamming a key that wouldn't enter into the lock, progressively freaking out more and more and imagining more or less crazy scenarios where my landlord switched the lock without telling me for some reason. I snuck in when a neighbour left, and was then deathly afraid of leaving again, lest I never get into my building, ever. 

Welcome to Japan, where we pimp our vending machines when New Years comes around.

Wormie, a Japanese version of Max that I met a few weeks back, asked if I wanted to go out for beer, but ended up coming over instead after hearing my plight, and of course the key instantly worked when I went down to let him in and decided to check the door again. Of course. Were the gods angry that I only donated 10 yen when praying? Or were the k-pop gods unhappy that I'd visited the shrine of others? Wormie was visibly relieved that things had worked out though. "I was so worried about you!" he kept repeating. Cute people are cute.

I told Wormie of my love for a Sakanaction while we were eating spinach soup I cooked (yay resolutions!) while he was praising the Kings of Convenience album I was listening to while cooking.
"Oh Yamaguchi-kun?" he said in the most offhand of offhand ways. "I've only met him twice, so I don't know him very well." 
I'm sorry, what now? You've met God? Twice? Apparently Wormie has worked in the music industry and knows a whole bunch of cool shit. I damn near flipped my shit with glee.
"What's he like?" I inquired after some internal fan-girling.
"He's a person who doesn't let others in very much. He's really guarded, and quite shy, but he's a nice guy." Funny to think that God is just the way I imagined him to be. If hanging around Wormie means that I might have the chance to meet Ichiro Yamaguchi one day, well... let's just say Wormie's gotten himself a new best friend.

Because let's face it - I'd be besties with Kim Jong-un for a chance to hang out with Ichiro Yamaguchi.
I do like Wormie for Wormie though, not just for his divine connections. He has amazing taste in music, art and architecture, and seems to find me really cool, and that's all stuff that vibes with me. I showed him G's stuff and he practically creamed his pants over it. It's nice to have someone who seems so genuinely happy about stuff, and excited about new experiences. I feel like I'm getting closer to building up that social circle of really cool people that I wanted when I moved.

I still haven't gotten any closer to seeing Potato since coming home. I don't want to text him too much out of fear of seeming like a crazy person - two texts in a row is my maximum without a response. Then again, he's started liking my pictures on Facebook, so you could say things are getting a little serious. I mean, nothing with my actual face in or anything, but apparently he likes the view from my balcony and my friendly neighbourhood shrine. I guess that's something.

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