
Friday 31 May 2013

On photos and food

Hemingway and I went by a photography student friend of mine's graduation ceremony, where they had an exhibition featuring everyone in her class. O and his brother were there as well, and as always we decided to geek out on architectural photography, but there were quite a lot of really nice art out there. I didn't get nearly as much as I'd wanted to on camera, due to the fact that I felt that it looked a little tacky to go around an exhibition with your phone camera ready, but ah well. My friend did good, and so did a lot of her friends too. It's sad that artists like painters or photographers seldom get the creative freedom I wish they had. Who knows what they could dream up if they did? Then again, we live in a material world, and I guess we all have to adjust to that.

I don't ever think I've wanted a top out of meat products as much as I did when I saw this last picture. This girl's photo series with food as clothing and accessories was genious. Speaking of absolutely nothing in particular, I climbed my first tree of the summer tonight. You all should do the same.

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