
Wednesday 24 June 2015

On gold stars and impatience

Some students really know how to get on my good side. When describing people today, one of my students said: "You have brown hair... and brown eyes... and a nice smile."

I like people who know that flattery is the way to my heart. Gold star for you, young sir.

Today I've been spending most of my day looking at my phone, hoping that I'd get a response on sending in my CV and my portfolio. This didn't happen, but really, that only means that so far, it's not a no. Anything that's not a no feels pretty good right now. I can wait.

Apart from that, I have tragically little to say today, so I'm just going to give it a rest until tomorrow or something. Waiting for stuff tends to make my brain filter out all other things. Not to worry though, I'll most likely be back to my usual self soon enough.

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