
Tuesday 30 June 2015

On being a person and being a pawn

There are some things I really love about dating Turtle, but my favourite thing is probably the fact that he treats me like a real person. He doesn't project what he thinks I am or this idea of what he wants me to be. If I'm angry at him, he doesn't get angry at me for being angry. If I'm sad, he won't tell me to lighten up or that I'm being silly to feel the way I do. I've never felt him get jealous about anything, or demand that I change in any way. When he teaches me to play his favourite games, he doesn't just go "A is regular attack, B is special attack - let's go", he devotes half an hour to teach me all of the secret, special moves and when to use them. He legitimately cares about my friends, anything I'm facing at the moment, and ultimately - me.

Not to mention the fact that he has the best shampoo-conditioner combo ever in his shower. That shit does magic for my hair.

Not that all of my previous boyfriends were all bad - they each had their good points, but on a whole, none of them really had me feeling like myself 100% of the time. I would be worried about things like unshaved legs or unruly emotions (sharing too much or too little), but as things are right now, I just feel really comfortable. It's kinda like crawling into a bath that's just the right temperature.

Come to think of it, Turtle will literally pour me a bath sometimes if I've had a bad day. That's the hallmark of an absolutely stellar boyfriend.

Something I'm far less enthusiastic about is my boss and my job. Gaba jobs are... well, quite frankly, they're shit. The people are great and all, at least most of the time, but the company doesn't give two shits about the instructors. We're exchangable pawns. I've been with the company for a year now, and yet when I talked to my boss about getting belted up for an extra 100 yen per lesson, he acted like it was the most difficult thing he could ever imagine. "Yeah, I might be able to make it happen within three months, but I can't make any promises. They might want people who are more... worthy, with a better score."

I wanted to tell him I might not even be there in three months, but if I did, I'm pretty sure he would take absolutely zero steps towards anything helpful for me. I'm reliable, I'm hard working, and I get fuck all to show for it. I can't wait to leave. I really can't.

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