
Saturday 13 June 2015

On karaoke, police and text messages

You know how people say "Last night was crazy!" when they're talking about nights out, I'm pretty sure I still win in terms of craziness. Don't believe me? Try going out with Birdie and her boyfriend. We hit a karaoke place until 4 in the morning, at which point they had this screaming/crying match in the hallway and police were called to the scene. Luckily it wasn't serious and everyone was alright, nobody dragged off to sober up in a holding cell or anything, but it made for a pretty awkward end to the evening.

In other news, Turtle came back from his business trip to Gunma. Everything was great, I was really looking forward to seeing him next week, and then he tells me that he spent the day hanging out with friends. Now this shouldn't be a big deal, but when somebody tells you they can't see you for like two weeks, and then straight up tells you to your face that they're hanging out with other people on one of your few days off, I think I have a right to be kinda ticked off at that. I texted him about it, but he just said that he didn't mean it that way. I'm just left wondering what way he means that he meant it.

I want him to apologize and want to see me and do all this shit, and I'm torn mentally as to if this is me being completely insane, or if this kind of irritation is a logical response. I'm staring at the phone hoping he'll call me or text me or whatever, and trying really hard to not be the one to initiate. Being without him for a long time has been really hard, and feeling like I don't have much priority really blows. Am I making a mountain out of a mole hill?

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