
Tuesday 9 June 2015

On fuckups and hero moms

Do you guys ever mess up, like to the point where you kinda want to vomit and wallow in anxiety? The kind of mistake where you run back and forth in a panic across your bedroom floor because you don't know what else you can do? I had two of those, separate ones, before breakfast today, and they were both due to my own damn incompetence.

Long story short - I forgot to pay a late fee on my student loans, and it went to a collector company. I fessed up to mom and she got on it right away Mom-style, even without the lecture I was expecting. I just told her I'd been preoccupied with my visa (which is completely true), and she sprang into motion calling everything and everyone, and hopefully getting the problem all sorted. I'm crazy grateful, but still kicking myself hard.

Part B comes down to the fact that I forgot to rebook my flight back to Sweden, and it apparently left a few days ago. Oops. This one isn't really as bad, I was going to have to buy a return flight ticket anyway. The difference is just that now I'll be based in Tokyo rather than Stockholm. That's true as is anyways. This one I didn't tell mom about, because failing hardcore twice in a day is more stupidity than I'm willing to let her deal with. She's taken care of the most urgent problem. I won't bother her with some bullshit thing I can take care of by myself.

How I'm handling life and responsibilities so far.

"Don't say sorry. What else are parents for but to curl you through life a bit every now and again?"

I guess it takes a day of really feeling like shit to be grateful for how privileged you really are to have such an amazing family. I just hope that one day, there'll be a way for me to make it up to them for real.

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