
Monday 18 November 2013

On tea and slumps


Total exhaustion led me to sleep until 1 p.m. today and wake up with a sore throat and a bit of a cold. This is day one of nine consecutive days of work, since the other two Swedish girls' grandma is sick and they can't work this weekend. I figured it was easier to just charge right through and then get my time off at the end of next week for a three day weekend, but maybe I'm one step behind my body and it really would've needed the rest now. Anyways, it's not a terrible cold, and as long as I have my voice and not a fever, I can do my job just fine. It's Monday anyways. Mondays are pushovers.

It sucks that I haven't had time for laundry though, or rather, I probably would've, but you get to that point where you're like 'fuck it, I'm doing laundry tomorrow instead', even when you've been at that point for a week and a half now. More actually, almost two. I need more than one pair of pants for work, this is ridiculous. I feel like I'm in a lazy slump now - I hadn't shaved my legs for probably a month when I did it very carelessly yesterday, leaving me still rather fuzzy but less self-conscious about it, and my eyebrows need some serious tweezing. It's so hard to get it together, even though it probably wouldn't take that long if I'd just man up and do it. After finishing the TEFL I just feel a bit drained and tired, and I'm actually kinda looking forward to a nice mix of doing absolutely nothing during the day, and mindless restaurant work at night. I think my self won't mind hibernating for a while. I just kinda wish by body could join it.

I got to skype with Sand last night, which was great. I haven't seen her in a million years, and only know what's going on with her through her blog, which obviously doesn't contain all those juicy gossipy bits, because hey, parents read that stuff, and seeing her face again just went to illustrate how much I've missed her. Once I start thinking about the people who actually matter to me, I'm kinda struck by how few of them live near enough for me to go see them when I need to have some silent mental support. Yesterday evening when I felt like I was going to break a little, I ended up at a friend's house where I could drink tea and watch him do the dishes for an hour without having to say a word about what was going on in my head, just to let myself know that the world would keep spinning and lives continue even if things feel difficult and you're unhappy. He probably just thought it was weird, and even asked me at some point if I'd come over with a purpose of talking about something in particular. "No, I just wanted some tea," because tea alleviates all the world's hurts.

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