
Friday 1 November 2013

On weekend plans and pokemon

What Fridays at the restaurant feel like.
Friday rolled around, and as always I'm approaching it with a slight feeling of dread. There's always so much to do, despite being two people. Shan says that the number of people who come in the fall and winter dwindles the darker the days get, but I've gotta say that I've noticed more of an increase. I feel like we're always busy, and while that's good for the restaurant, it's so damn tiring. Luckily I'm not alone on Fridays, and this week I'll probably even have Mafune there to save the day, but I can't wait for the weekend to start.

Or, I don't know actually. I'm going to my parents' place on Saturday with my sister-in-law and my niece. I don't know how optimal a way it is to end a week of not being social, but they're all people I can relax with, so I think it'll be okay. My parents are always of the notion that I don't visit them enough and they always seem so amazingly happy when I say I will, so I find it hard to not go once we've said that a weekend might be good for visiting. They're probably going to ask me pesky questions about how I'm feeling and want proper answers. I don't like talking about feelings. I like silent support.

Next weekend a friend and I are having a Pokemon themed drinking party at his place, and I've yet to even start my Snorlax costume, let alone his Slowpoke one. They're technically just going to be glorified hooded one-pieces, but still, I'm a little nervous about the time issue. It's not really helped by going to my parents' place this weekend - if I could've gotten some time in there, I could've finished them up to a large degree this weekend and not had to worry about it so much, but now I'll have to do it during the week, with possible finishing touches on the Saturday before the party. It's going to be very much a Project Runway-styled make-it-work-moment. I can't wait to start! I just have to hope that they have the right colours in stock at the fabric store (and a one-piece pattern, preferably with a hood), or things will get a bit nerve-wracking. If it turns out the way I want to it's going to be totally dope though.

I really hope that people are going to try to be ambitious with their costumes. Dress-up parties are so much more fun when people give a shit. Luckily, I think that my part of the crew will. I hope Knives Chau goes the Misty route like she was thinking about, she'd look adorable (although with the right outfit, she'd make a bad-ass Sabrina too). And my friend Honeybadger will make an amazing Brock.

Snorlax love.

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