
Friday 15 November 2013

On fridge hang-ups and tip dilemmas

I try to tell myself that it doesn't bother me that much when our new roomie puts his food on my shelf in the fridge. I don't keep all that much there myself since I don't really eat at home all that often because of work, so it's not like there's no space for him to borrow, but just in terms of my general OCD, it's extremely annoying. I don't like being petty, and going "Hey dude, you can't have your stuff on my obviously very empty shelf" does seem to be one of those enormously petty things, but it irks me. I like our new roomie, but between this fridge dilemma and frying bacon almost every morning... man, I don't know. I can't wait until I have my own place in Japan with my own fridge that I can be anal about.

Cue the unrealistic expectations.
Today could've been pretty terrible, but it ended up being not so bad. The bus didn't show up, so I had to run through the rain and still managed to get to work on time (albeit barely). Looked in the mirror, and what did I see? Hello, canker sore! Again. Motherfucker. I thought it would lead to a repeat of three weeks ago, but things got better. Seriously though, two canker sores in a month when I haven't had them in years. What's up with that? I'm tired of this bullshit. Stupid stress manifesting in stupid ways.

To my great joy the Kid was less useless today than he was Tuesday, so my predictions about him seem to be coming true. I feel a kind of big sister-ly affection towards how nervous and awkward he seems at work, and it's nice to have someone to talk shit with in Japanese. He seems like a nice guy. I had a bit of a dilemma with my tip money regarding the Kid though. Technically his job is to be Shan when Shan's not there, so that's what he's training to do. Shan sends him off to help me most of the time, and while he's not technically waiting on anyone or taking orders, he's an excellent distributor of miso soup and chopsticks, so that I can just swoop in, take orders and serve drinks. He helps out very enthusiastically, and today he actually managed to not really be in my way either, so I started considering whether or not I should share my tip money with him.

I don't share tip money with people who aren't strictly waitstaff. I don't share my tips with the girl who's Shan's other replacement, even if she helps me clear a table every now and again. I don't share tips with the Mongolian dish washer man even though he clears tables and carries chairs when I'm swamped. Why this sudden surge of conscience? But the Kid will only have time to help me until Shan's trained him, at which point he'll be doing sushi stuff and not really have the time to be my minion, and then I'll want to go right back to not sharing, so I decided not to start. I don't want to start giving away cash and then stop, because that seems like a total dick move. He helps out, but I bear the brunt of the waiting job, so the money's rightfully mine, and while I kinda like the Kid, I'm not letting him get in the way of my getting to Japan. There's just no way.

When Kpop Nonstop arranged their VIXX gig in Stockholm a few weeks ago, I wasn't all that impressed by VIXX. I thought they were a boring upstart band, and I kinda didn't like their music either. "It's great that they've brought a k-pop band to Sweden, but why can't they bring a good k-pop band to Sweden?". Now Pony's hooked on them, and like with all things Pony's hooked on, I get a bit (or a lot) of it thrown my way, and now I kinda regret not going to the concert. They're actually pretty decent, and the show was probably pretty awesome, as k-pop live shows tend to be. Pony and I made a deal after BeatBurger that even if we didn't know the band or whatever, that we'd try to go (seeing as we didn't really care about showing up early enough for the BeatBurger meet and greet beforehand, which seeing as they were all amazingly awesome would've been super cool in hindsight), and now I kinda feel like we missed a bit of an opportunity, especially since VIXX did a high-five event at the show. This is in no way related to the fact that both Pony and I have developed massive crushes on the super-introverted Leo. How could you ever have gotten that idea? *clears throat*

Seriously though, there's no way not to love a super shy person with an affinity for piglets. It's universe-implode-ingly adorable.

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