
Tuesday 30 June 2015

On being a person and being a pawn

There are some things I really love about dating Turtle, but my favourite thing is probably the fact that he treats me like a real person. He doesn't project what he thinks I am or this idea of what he wants me to be. If I'm angry at him, he doesn't get angry at me for being angry. If I'm sad, he won't tell me to lighten up or that I'm being silly to feel the way I do. I've never felt him get jealous about anything, or demand that I change in any way. When he teaches me to play his favourite games, he doesn't just go "A is regular attack, B is special attack - let's go", he devotes half an hour to teach me all of the secret, special moves and when to use them. He legitimately cares about my friends, anything I'm facing at the moment, and ultimately - me.

Not to mention the fact that he has the best shampoo-conditioner combo ever in his shower. That shit does magic for my hair.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

On gold stars and impatience

Some students really know how to get on my good side. When describing people today, one of my students said: "You have brown hair... and brown eyes... and a nice smile."

I like people who know that flattery is the way to my heart. Gold star for you, young sir.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

On wins and charms

Hello pretties! Apologies for the temporary abandonment again, but things have been kinda insane this past week. How insane, you ask? Well, for starters, I might've gotten somewhere in getting my foot in the door for an architecture job. Yes, really.

Sunday 14 June 2015

On the anger and confusion of somehow living in the middle of a rom-com

Fuck my rom-com life.

No really, fuck it right in the ass. It's like everything played out according to something Kate Hudson would star in - first half is quirky and fun and everything is just... rom-comy I guess? And then the big turn happens in the middle, that defining fight, and I have no idea what to do. It's like I'm living 500 Days of Summer, depressing The Smiths soundtrack and all.

Saturday 13 June 2015

On karaoke, police and text messages

You know how people say "Last night was crazy!" when they're talking about nights out, I'm pretty sure I still win in terms of craziness. Don't believe me? Try going out with Birdie and her boyfriend. We hit a karaoke place until 4 in the morning, at which point they had this screaming/crying match in the hallway and police were called to the scene. Luckily it wasn't serious and everyone was alright, nobody dragged off to sober up in a holding cell or anything, but it made for a pretty awkward end to the evening.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

On fuckups and hero moms

Do you guys ever mess up, like to the point where you kinda want to vomit and wallow in anxiety? The kind of mistake where you run back and forth in a panic across your bedroom floor because you don't know what else you can do? I had two of those, separate ones, before breakfast today, and they were both due to my own damn incompetence.

Monday 8 June 2015

On life as short stories

Good evening, Silent Readers! Bet you thought I wasn't going to stay true to my word and tell you about what's been going on? Well think again bitches. It's kinda late and I'm all wrapped up ready for bed, so they're going to be fairly short anecdotes without much coherence. Think of it as my life in short stories, or like me hastily going through a photo album while we're waiting for dinner to finish cooking on the stove.

Saturday 6 June 2015

On complicated starts and complicated relations

See, I told you guys I'd be back, right? I didn't really think it would take all this long, but here I am. It's June, I've gotten my visa renewed after a lot of stress and worrying, and I'm on what T calls my 'season two'. All in all, things feel pretty good. Right now, in this very moment as I'm typing, things are less great. Nothing serious, just my air conditioner breaking down, period cramps and a side of hangover-induced loneliness, that's about it.

There have been some pretty big changes in these three months that I've been AFK. The biggest by far is Turtle. "Who the hell is Turtle?", I hear you say, "and what the hell is up with his shitty nickname?"

So, lemme break it down to you.