
Friday 10 July 2015

On spontaneous bosses and immense pressure

I get the feeling that my would-be architecture boss is impulsive as hell. This may just be me having ideas about artists' creative angst or whatever, but he seems to promise a lot before thinking things through. Yesterday, after having set up what time I should arrive on Monday (10.15, omg omg omg), he suddenly emailed me saying (and I paraphrase): "Uh, yeah, what's your visa situation again? I need to make sure you actually can work for me," saying that he'd have his partner/wife look into it.

This is their exchange, as visualized in my head:
Boss: Honey, I think we should hire this Swedish girl I just met.
Boss' wife: Uh...
Boss: She has zero experience.
Boss' wife: Uh...
Boss: But she's from this pretty prestigious university, and her portfolio looks kinda interesting.
Boss' wife: Uh...
Boss: Let's take her on for a month, see what happens.
Boss' wife: Uh... Jesus Christ, honey, you've at least checked that she has the visa for it, right?
Boss: Uh...
Boss' wife: I can't believe you! It's like you're trying to sabotage us, and just when things are getting really busy too! God, I'll have to find some way to fix this situation you keep putting us in.
Boss: Fine! I was just trying to help, but whatever.
[Boss storms out angrily to drink in Golden Gai with random woman, only to find new foreign architect and promise them a job at his firm.]


Really though, as far as my limited googling tells me, the visa thing shouldn't be a problem. At least I hope it's not. It is an engineering visa after all, and I don't see a reason why that wouldn't include architecture. Still, all I can do is wait and see what's what.

The guy I met won't be in the office on Monday apparently, which worries me in terms of the story we were set to tell since I'll be dealing exclusively with his wife (who, to be fair, sounded really nice over email and actually seems to genuinely look forward to meeting me). Every time I get any emails or anything from the two of them, my stomach goes into mad knots and I feel absolutely terrified. And nauseous. And like I want to run. It's kinda like I'm D.B. Cooper, having pulled off this major heist, standing at the opening of the airplane, waiting to jump. If my parachute opens, I've got it made. If it doesn't, I'll crash spectacularly.

Trying to organize my thoughts and make the final preparations is pretty daunting though. Like for instance, what do I wear? Googling seems to give more or less helpful answers, but God, how I wish I could shop for pants in this country. I don't want to show up in drop crotch pants or jeans on my first day, but on the other hand, I really don't want to come dressed as a catholic school girl/square.

Ugh, so much stress, so much anxiety. Good anxiety I guess, strangely enough. I'm scared beyond belief, but I'm also so excited. I've been talking to a good friend of mine about how I've been feeling, and I just got the most amazing message of support last night, saying: "You should think about the good points and ignore the bad, because even if it goes tits up, look at how good you're doing in life. You should be proud of yourself no matter what the outcome is in that place. There's genuinely no doubt in my mind that one way or another, you'll be successful in Japan. It may as well be this way."

So do I have the best friends ever, or do I have the best friends ever? How could I not make this, or something happen, with support from everyone like that?

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