
Sunday 5 July 2015

On flickering lights

Accidentally pressing the button to the wrong floor today had me almost stepping out into a darkened hallway with flickering lights. Thanks, but I'd rather not be chased around and ultimately killed by Pyramid head if that's all the same to you.

I spent the evening going through my enormous folder of pictures from my year in Japan, sorting them chronologically and finding a lot of stuff I'd forgotten about - pictures of the Philosopher and I, from when everything was good to pictures in the middle of the night where I'm out walking because I can't sleep, pictures from the night I met Turtle and a picture from the second date we ever had, that absolutely amazing first date with Potato that kinda went nowhere at all in the end, all of my playdates with T... man, it's a rollercoaster. It's kinda like a very quick recap of a year that feels both eternal and brief. It's the year I've had - adventurous, happy, sad, hopeful, wonderous... Seeing it all come together like that feels exciting and humbling and all those big words all at once. It's a life, really, condensed into a bunch of folders filled with pictures that can be revisited and relived at any time. So many things have happened, and I feel so proud of where I am right now. Not to mention that looking back at selfies taken a while ago makes me feel pretty.

I am, however, beginning to get like seriously nervous about the whole architecture thing. This time next week, I'll probably be pissing myself about getting up and going to an actual architecture office the next morning. I'm kinda beginning to piss myself a little bit already.

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